Boo Radley Courage

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Anyone can have courage but if no one shows it, it doesn't count. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, she emphasizes that in Maycomb, Alabama everyone's the same. Being different is a part of having courage. Mrs. Dubose wasn’t ready to die how she has always lived. Boo Radley doesn’t want to miss out on things because he’s different, and Atticus wants to change the way Maycomb treats Mockingbirds. The actions of Mrs. Dubose, Atticus Finch, and Boo Radley live up to Atticus’ definition of courage. To begin, the first person to show courage is Mrs. Dubose when she wouldn’t die knowing drugs were claiming her. Mrs. Dubose was prescribed with pain killer pills called morphine, which became her new addiction. With only a few months left she wanted her life in order, and to be under her own control. She talked to Atticus about it and he told her story as, “She said she was going to to leave this world behold to nothing and nobody,” (Lee 111). Mrs. Dubose wanted no strings attached when she died. Some people will never achieve true happiness if there is something …show more content…

Boo Radley is not one to make a scene in the presence of others. He is a shy boy who is easily judged by the rest of the Maycomb town. Boo is more different than any other person and has a had time exploiting that to the town. The night that Jem and Scout were attacked, Boo put aside his insecurities and made himself present in the situation. Atticus thanked Boo by saying, “Before he went into the house, he stopped in front of Boo Radley. ‘Thank you for my children, Arthur.’ he said,” (Lee 276). As people spread rumors and shut out the strange people in Maycomb, such as Boo, it takes their confidence down. It is always hard to stand up and do good towards someone who puts other people down. Boo Radley overcame everything and had the courage to save Scout and

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