Bombardier Beetle Research Paper

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The bombardier beetle is an example of an animal that uses acid as a defence mechanism. What it does is it makes a chemical explosion inside its shell which sprays the predator with hot acid which really hurts the predator. Researchers in the US discovered that the beetle makes a superheated spray known as benzoquinone. It’s made by combining two chemicals in a protective blast chamber located inside the beetle. The reaction that results by the chemicals combining boils the mixture which creates the pressure that’s needed to shoot it at a predator. Beetles pulse the spray and by pulsing the spray the bombardier beetle allows the blast chamber time to cool which prevents it from overheating and hurting itself. The whip scorpion shoots out acid. The acid isn't poisonous but it’s enough to make most predators back off. They differ in sizes. Most are 25-85 mm in length. They aren’t venomous but they can spray an acidic mix that has a vinegar like smell. Due to it smelling like vinegar they are often called vinegarroons. Whip scorpions carnivores and they are nocturnal. They hide under leaves or rocks during the day and catch prey at night. Their …show more content…

If they spray acid into a wound or you would be in excruciating pain. There are many places where carpenter ants can live, they usually like to build their nests in moist wood or structures that were already damaged by other insects. Most of their nests are found in decaying wood like windows, chimneys, sinks, doorframes or bath traps and in hollow spaces such as wall voids. There isn’t just one type of nest they build. There are two types, parent colonies and satellite colonies. Parent colonies contain workers, numerous broods and an egg-laying queen, while satellite colonies may have workers, mature larvae and pupae. Unlike termites and beetles, carpenter ants don’t eat wood even though they may dig through but it’s just to explore and find good places to build their

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