Body Cameras Persuasive Essay

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Anthony Weber. Danny Ray Thomas. Stephon Clark. These are just a few of the three hundred sixty-eight people murdered by police officers in 2018. Police continue to use their ultimate power to suppress people, a trend that corrupts American society. In order to hold police officers in check, people have considered the possibility of forcing officers to wear body cameras to record their actions in every arrest. Though people argue whether it is practical, the fact of the matter is that body cameras would hold police to a higher standard and help prevent excessive violence in arrests. The problem does not stop there, however. To provide a solution that will stand the test of time, the government needs to establish a more honest dialogue between …show more content…

Though technology helps police actions become more apparent, it also raises concerns with the privacy of citizens (Jost). One solution to insure the privacy of the citizen would be for the police to inform the citizens that they are being recorded. They could do so by wearing a pin on their uniform with a phrase that reads “lapel camera in operation” (Stanley 5). Thus, if the police followed that policy, the privacy of citizens could be more protected. Additionally, “....officers should be required to provide clear notice of a camera when entering a home….And departments should adopt a policy under which officers ask residents whether they wish for a camera to be turned off before they enter a home in non-exigent circumstances. Cameras should never be turned off in SWAT raids and similar police actions” (Stanley 6). By implementing these regulations, the government would be making sure the privacy of citizens would be protected. After instituting the policy to require body cameras, the next step would be working to rebuild trust between the police and communities, because without a level of trust between the two sides, no real progress can be

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