Blue Whale Research Paper

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Fin whales are also called the Finback whale as well as the Razorback, it is a larger marine mammal that belongs to a suborder of Baleen whales. It is one of the biggest marine mammals second to only the blue whale.
These whales are discovered in every major ocean, differing from polar to tropical waters. These whales are only found to be absent in waters near the ice pack at the poles and small areas of water away from the open ocean. The highest population density is seen in temperate and cool waters.
A Fin whales food consists of small schooling fish, squid, and crustaceans including copepods and krill.
Like the majority of big whales, the fin whale has been extremely hunted in the 20th century and is actually an endangered species. …show more content…

New DNA evidence is showing that the fin whale may be very closely related to the humpback whale, but because of one study it also suggest that the Fin whale is also related to the Grey whale. In around 2006, two subspecies got named, both possessing particular physical features and vocalizations. First was the northern fin whale, B. p. physalus which inhabits the North Atlantic, and the second was the southern fin whale, B. p. quoyi which occupies the Southern …show more content…

The fin whale is a filter-feeder, it feeds on small schooling fish, squid and small crustaceans including copepods and krill.
In the 19th century, the fin whale was many times hunted by open-boat whalers, but it was actually safe because of its speed and it many times would sink after killed. But then steam-powered boats and harpoons that exploded on contact were introduced and made it possible to kill and stick, this happened along with Blue and Sei whales on a huge scale
The International Whaling Commission banned hunting in the Southern Hemisphere in 1976. The Fin whale was granted full protection by the IWC for commercial whaling.
Not only humpback, minkes, sperm, and many other smaller “Protected species” meats can also be found in markets even today they are mostly "byproducts" of entanglements, and one case scientifically revealed that at least some humpbacks with other species were illegally hunted in EEZ of antiwhaling nations such as off Mexico or South

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