Blood Investigation Essay

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Sometimes the diagnosis differs from a doctor to another. Because of human errors doctors may miss some parts at the time of examination. The aim of this project is to make the diagnosis more accurate and prevent doctors’ mistakes, by developing an application that gets the results of the blood investigations and directly gets out the diagnosis that corresponds with the results.

Contents: TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc402618681 \h 4
Background PAGEREF _Toc402618682 \h 5
Aims and Objectives PAGEREF _Toc402618683 \h 5
Methods PAGEREF _Toc402618684 \h 6
Project Timeline PAGEREF _Toc402618685 \h 8
Team Qualifications PAGEREF _Toc402618686 \h 10
Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc402618687 \h 10
References PAGEREF …show more content…

In this case the person or the patient does not need to get a fault in his diagnosis.
As the technology has a role in our life and we need to reduce the errors. This application will be useful for doctors, special people and the others who are responsible for examining the Respiratory system. The purpose of it is to take a blood gas test analysis such as partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2), partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), oxygen (O), carbon dioxide content (CO2) and acid-base balance to evaluate the condition of the Respiratory system of the patient. The application will contain the diagnosis that doesn't need the medical interference by …show more content…

Aims and Objectives:

The aim of this project to develop an application helps the doctors to reading blood gas test that helps respiratory for the patients (to evaluate gas exchange in the lungs) and measures the acidity in the blood acidity (pH) from blood samples taken from a vein or artery.

The objectives:
Help the patients to get the right diagnosis.
The doctors do not have to memorize the normal values and the diagnosis.
Help the patients who take the test from a vein.
Provide easy way to diagnosis the patients.
Objectives as Computer Science students:
Increase knowledge of the Android environment.
Learn how to programming the mobile application.
Design an Application in mobile (has an operating system Android), the doctor will enters the values of blood gases and the application will display the diagnosis
Programming languages:

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