Blackbeard Research Paper

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We chose our topic on Blackbeard the pirate because pirates are a prevalent part of the culture along South Carolina’s coast. What we read about Blackbeard really fit this year’s National History Day theme. We then looked to his legacy in South Carolina and thought about how he is seen and remembered in modern day South Carolina. Another reason for why we chose our topic is that Blackbeard is a very interesting part of history, so we thought that people would be rather interested in learning about an infamous pirate, and bring to light one of the most ambitious actions in his career as a pirate. We conducted our research on Blackbeard’s blockade of Charleston by learning the background history on Blackbeard and who he was as a pirate. This started by sifting through books at our school library and reading online books about him. After we had learned about who he was we turned to websites about what he did at the blockade of Charleston, this resulted in us splitting up the research to find the economic and political effects it had on Charleston. We dug …show more content…

After we eliminated the categories we didn’t think would work best for us, we asked ourselves, what are we best at? We came to the conclusion that a physical manifestation of our work was the best choice for our interests as partners. We created our project by looking to the National History Day rulebook size requirements for exhibits. We strictly followed the size requirements and made sure that our exhibit met them. After that, we created a sort of blueprint or guideline for our project that advises what goes where on the exhibit board. After we created the blueprint we put our plan into action and placed all the information, pictures, and labels where they needed to be. After we had everything on the exhibit, we created items that fit with our project (i.e. a treasure chest and a model

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