Black Women In The 21st Century Essay

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Throughout history, society is in a constant stage of development and change which is exemplified through laws surrounding same sex marriage, immigration, and issues of human rights in regards to race, status, or class that contribute to society’s advancement. Focusing specifically on Western Society, we have improved significantly in relation to wars, slavery, and segregation; yet scholars and political activists argue that segregation and racism against minorities is still prominent in the 21st century. Indeed, the primary focus for this argument will be around the identities of Black Women in the past and present. Even more so, it is clear that in society Black Women’s identities are constantly marginalized within the law and society in …show more content…

In society there are abundant events in which racism is identified as a significant player regarding the outcome of particular cases that bring up the issue of racism. On the same note, white privilege – which is a term applied to situations where rights or immunity is granted to white people beyond the advantage of others. The conception of white privilege is not as evident to white people as it should be. This is in fact displayed in Peggy McIntosh’s article A personal account of coming to see correspondence through work in Women’s Studies, in which she states that through her life, her perspective on white privilege is being changed as her views are redirected. Similarly, the existence of white privilege became evident in places McIntosh did not look at before through institutions like the education system and how Black Women are being treated within them. Considering this, an interesting outlook McIntosh takes is when she states that “[she] got frustrated with men who could not recognize male privilege and realized that people of colour feel the same way towards white people”(McIntosh, 35). What McIntosh experienced is a common occurrence among the white community and it shows how the identities of Black Women are erased with the presence of racism and white

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