In 1966, a national political organization was founded by two black men named Huey New. This document was mainly about a set of ten different requisitions the Black Panther , mainly fighting for Self-defense, established . These ten points are requirements that the Organization believed was necessary for the black community to be treated as equal and fairly. In the document, Newton addresses that they need ten basic things such as freedom, “Power to determine the destiny of the black and oppressed communities”( Newton, 1966). He also claims that they need employment, decent living conditions starting with safe and decent housings, education, health care and son on. This document is crucially important because it shows that in the mid 60’s the Black community started to affirm their social rights and needs more and with firmness. …show more content…
The only way they can at least have a start in making a change and improve their living conditions in the United States is to affirm and make the government acknowledge that Blacks have rights the way Whites do. They need to be treated fairly and equally. They should to be given same treatments given to the Whites for the simple and unique reason of being Humans. To emphasize on its importance, the speaker quoted a famous citation from the declaration of Independence arguing that “All men were created equal” (Newton, 1966). This shows how important it is to raise consciousness within the American population especially the government and the White Community. Also, another important aspect about this document is the fact that the black community is aware of its capacities, aware that them being colored should be a flow or a reason why they would be treated unfairly. They are now more open to the idea of Black
These movements have many similarities in the goals that they wanted to achieve, however they have some differences as well. In the document written by the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, they voiced their demands ...
The writings of Booker T. Washington, Marcus Garvey, and W.E.B. Du Bois postulate a formula for the advancement of African Americans. Each formula can be traced to its advocate’s respective life experience. While their individual formulas differ in the initial priorities and the necessary steps described, when viewed collectively as points in a progression, those points at times intersect and then diverge, and at other times they are divergent and then intersect.
... same thing for blacks, first-class citizenship, but their methods for obtaining it differed. Because of the interest in immediate goals contained in Washington’s economic approach, whites did not realize that he anticipated the complete acceptance and integration of Negroes into American life. He believed blacks, starting with so little, would have to begin at the bottom and work up gradually to achieve positions of power and responsibility before they could demand equal citizenship—even if it meant temporarily assuming a position of inferiority. DuBois understood Washington’s program, but believed that it was not the solution to the “race problem.” Blacks should study the liberal arts, and have the same rights as white citizens. Blacks, DuBois believed, should not have to sacrifice their constitutional rights in order to achieve a status that was already guaranteed.
The concepts of Reform and Revolution are nearly polarizing by their very nature, with one seeking to modify, and the other seeking to destroy and rebuild. If an organized Black movement was to find itself in an opportunistic position -whatever that may be- with which to attempt a radical movement (in either case; reform or revolution, the resulting movement would need to be large and radical if it would hope to accomplish its goals before the opportunity for change ceases to present itself) it would only serve to befall their efforts if they found themselves in a splintered state of conflicting ideologies. But, in either case, be it reform or revolution, a reconfiguring of the thought processes behind how one looks at the nature of American politics is undoubtedly necessary in order to look into the potential for future Black liberation.
In addition, to understand the obstacles for justice that African American constantly face. President Johnson tries to influence the citizens appealing to the people’s emotions and also stating facts. In the passage it states, “ It really rests on his right to be treated as a man equal in opportunity to all others...and that he shall share in freedom, he shall choose his leaders.” In that quote he stated that he felt as if African Americans should be treated fairly and he tried to connect to their emotions and gives valid points. In addition, the president tries to make the reader understand that blacks won’t give up no matter what obstacles are thrown in their way my stating, “every device of which human ingenuity is capable has been used to deny this right, negro citizen may go to register only to be told the day is wrong, or they are an hour late or maybe even given a test”(paragraph 18). This quote shows that the government tried every way to keep African Americans from voting and it did not work because they will go through that every time until they get their right to
In Living for the City, Donna Murch details the origins and the rise to prominence the Black Panther Party experienced during the 1960s and into the 1970s. The Civil Rights Movement and eventually the Black Panther Movement of Oakland, California emerged from the growing population of migrating Southern African Americans who carried with them the traditional strength and resolve of the church community and family values. Though the area was driven heavily by the massive movement of industrialization during World War II, the end of the war left a period of economic collapse and social chaos in its wake. The Black Panther Party was formed in this wake; driven by continuing violence against the African American youth by the local police forces,
The Party’s fight for redistribution of wealth and the establishment of social, political and social equality across gender and color barriers made it one of the first organizations in U.S. history to militantly struggle for working class liberation and ethnic minorities (Baggins, Brian). The Black Panther Party set up a ten-point program much like Malcolm X’s Nation of Islam that called for American society to realize political, economic and social equal opportunity based on the principles of socialism, all of which was summarized by the final point: "We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace" (Newton, Huey P). The Black Panther Party wanted to achieve these goals through militant force. In the words of Che Guevara, “Words are beautiful, but action is supre...
"The Brown decision, the March on Washington, and the civil rights acts of the 1960's seemed like relics of a bygone era. A quarter of a century later the United States remained a racially divided and unequal society. The African American struggle had indeed made a difference. It brought significant changes and achieved substantial advancements. Yet the full promises of the movement had not been realized. Prejudice and discrimination, both subtle and blatant, continued to poison race relations."
Although our present day society still questions whether the rights of the Individual should outweigh the public order or the social order of our country should outweigh the individual rights has enlightened me to a distorted vision and a compromised system and questionable Leadership. “African- American men comprise less than 6% of the U.S. population and almost one-half of its criminal prisons.” Quoted by the Bureau of justice statistics. When research is conducted by another other than oneself yield such great crippling results, it does hold truths to be true to that which began before our awakening
In the article it says, “One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.” This evidence shows how colored people are segregated from other colored people. Based on the evidence, these colored people doesn’t have the right to be equal to the white people. Another evidence it shows in the article is, “...would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This shows how people doesn’t have the rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. The quality of life for people who don’t have the rights is very
The Constitution states that “all men are created equal”, but this statement did not accurately portray America until a long while after it was written. About 150 years ago after the civil war during the start of the Reconstruction era, America had promised racial equality. The start of the 20th century proved this otherwise. New laws and customs were created establishing a segregated society where African Americans were inferior to whites. Boys and girls that lived in this country who were eager to acquire a good education were not allowed to attend the same school. If you were not Caucasian, you were sent to a different school miles away from the nearest all white school. One day a little African American girl, Linda Brown, was not accepted into the nearest all white school near her school and was forced to travel a significant distance to school at only age 9 because she was African American. The nearest all white school was seven blocks away, and Linda had to walk six blocks just to catch the “black school bus”. Her father, Oliver Brown, did not agree to the fact that this should be the case especially after the Plessy v. Ferguson’s “separate but equal” doctrine was established. This disagreement with the law led Brown to take his discontent with the public schooling system to court, his case made it all the way to the Supreme Court providing motivation for many other great African American people in society to fight for their rights.
...on to create equality was too ideological. The members of the Black Panther knew that their goals were impossible to reach. There is a movement called the “New Black Panther Party” that deals with the issues that the Black Panthers never completed. Possibly, if the Black Panthers had tried more to fit into the community and had been less radical, their party may have lasted longer which would have led to greater effectiveness.
Nearly all of the problems the Black Panther Party attacked are the direct descendants of the system which enslaved Blacks for hundreds of years. Although they were given freedom roughly one hundred years before the arrival of the Party, Blacks remain victims of White racism in much the same way. They are still the target of White violence, regulated to indecent housing, remain highly uneducated and hold the lowest position of the economic ladder. The continuance of these problems has had a nearly catastrophic effect on Blacks and Black families. Brown remembers that she “had heard of Black men-men who were loving fathers and caring husbands and strong protectors.. but had not known any” until she was grown (105). The problems which disproportionatly affect Blacks were combatted by the Party in ways the White system had not. The Party “organized rallies around police brutality against Blacks, made speeches and circulated leaflets about every social and political issue affecting Black and poor people, locally, nationally, and internationally, organized support among Whites, opened a free clinic, started a busing-to prisons program which provided transport and expenses to Black families” (181). The Party’s goals were to strengthen Black communities through organization and education.
Nearly three centuries ago, black men and women from Africa were brought to America and put into slavery. They were treated more cruelly in the United States than in any other country that had practiced slavery. African Americans didn’t gain their freedom until after the Civil War, nearly one-hundred years later. Even though African Americans were freed and the constitution was amended to guarantee racial equality, they were still not treated the same as whites and were thought of as second class citizens. One man had the right idea on how to change America, Martin Luther King Jr. had the best philosophy for advancing civil rights, he preached nonviolence to express the need for change in America and he united both African Americans and whites together to fight for economic and social equality.
Diversity, we define this term today as one of our nation’s most dynamic characteristics in American history. The United States thrives through the means of diversity. However, diversity has not always been a positive component in America; in fact, it took many years for our nation to become accustomed to this broad variety of mixed cultures and social groups. One of the leading groups that were most commonly affected by this, were African American citizens, who were victimized because of their color and race. It wasn’t easy being an African American, back then they had to fight in order to achieve where they are today, from slavery and discrimination, there was a very slim chance of hope for freedom or even citizenship. This longing for hope began to shift around the 1950’s during the Civil Rights Movement, where discrimination still took place yet, it is the time when African Americans started to defend their rights and honor to become freemen like every other citizen of the United States. African Americans were beginning to gain recognition after the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868, which declared all people born natural in the United States and included the slaves that were previously declared free. However, this didn’t prevent the people from disputing against the constitutional law, especially the people in the South who continued to retaliate against African Americans and the idea of integration in white schools. Integration in white schools played a major role in the battle for Civil Rights in the South, upon the coming of independence for all African American people in the United States after a series of tribulations and loss of hope.