Black Mountain Quarry

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Black Mountain Quarry

The issue is the Black Mountain Quarry, which was set up in the late

fifties by Peter Lagan from County Derry.

The parties who are involved in the issue surrounding the Black

Mountain Quarries are Black Mountain Action Group and local residents,

the Department of the Environment (D.O.E) who will decide the outcome

and Peter Lagan the present owner of the company White Mountain


It is an issue because some local residents and the Black Mountain

Action Group want it closed for environmental reasons and the work

force needs it to maintain their livelihood.

The main concerns of the action group and the residents are the dust,

noise levels and the damage to the landscape. Viewing the mountain

from the distance it appears to have what looks like a large bite out

of it.

The Black Mountain stretches from Hannahstown hill in the west of the

city and disappears from view in the north of the city around

Cavehill. It has many features such as the Hatchet field and Bottle

field named because of their unusual shape which can be seen from most

areas of the city.

The map on the next page highlights some details to the height and

various sections of the mountain.

Task 2 Find out the different groups involved in this issue.

White Mountain Quarries are in favour of the quarry, as they own it.

Peter Lagan from Derry bought the quarry in the late fifties. To start

he only had one lorry and some second hand equipment. Within five

years Mr. Lagan had forty lorries and millions of pounds worth of

equipment. They also own a Cement Company and Tarmac firm. At the

minute they are making the runways for the Hong Kong Airport. The

Lagans are the largest family business in Northern Ireland.

Some of the local residents want the quarry to stay open as they work



or they work for one of the companies who use material from the


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