Mat Certification

606 Words2 Pages

Mat Certification

The two possibilities for pelvic positions are neutral and imprinted.

In neutral pelvis the natural lordotic curve of the lumbar spine is

present. Imprinted means a slight lumbar curve into flexion is

present. During imprinted spine the normal curve lengthens toward

flexion by engaging the oblique abdominals to help bring the rib cage

closer to the pelvis. I would use neutral pelvic placement for the One

Leg Circle, since the essence of the exercise is stability of the

pelvis and torso in neutral while being challenged by unilateral leg

movement. Imprinted spine would be recommended for the Hundred since

both feet are lifted off of the ground. Imprinted spine would help to

maintain flexion in the spine, you could use neutral spine when the

client demonstrates enough strength to maintain it during the


2. Name the 5 basic principles of alignment that are incorporated into

the work and briefly describe each.

Breath: The goal of the breathing is to relax unnecessary tension in

the body and to encourage the engagement of the transversus abdominis

on the exhale while maintaining engagement during the inhale. During

exhalation the rib cage closes in and down while the spine flexes

slightly, exhalation is encouraged when the spine is flexing. During

inhalation the rib cage open out and up as the spine extends.

Inhalation is encouraged when the spine goes into extension to help

the abdominals to stabilize the spine. The breath is brought into the

nose and exhaled through the mouth with slightly pursed lips which

should help you to feel a deeper contraction of the abdominals.


... middle of paper ...

...e the four layer of abdominals. Rectus, and External and

Internal Obliques flex the spine. Transversus aids in respiration and

helps to compress the abdominal cavity to help support the spine in


4. How does the breath relate to flexion and extension of the spine?

What are some images that particularly relate to flexion and

extension and or promote good breathing patterns?

An exhale is encouraged when the spine is flexing since the ribs

naturally roll down and back during exhalation. Inhalation is

encouraged when the spine is extending since the ribs usually lengthen

up and out during inhalation. Inhaling gently through the nose and

exhaling through pursed lips or as if exhaling through a straw, this

will help to encourage an engagement of the transversus abdominis to

support the lumbar spine.

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