Black Friday Nightmare

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Early Black Friday sales should not be allowed because of these three reasons: jworkers don’t get time to spend with their families, Thanksgiving is a holiday and it should not be used for people to shop, and stores in the past never would open earlier than Friday. Instead of opening on the late nights of Thanksgiving and early mornings of Friday, many retailers like Target, Toys R Us, Wal-mart, and many others have decided to start sales on Thanksgiving day. Just like many americans are asking, is this right?

Workers don’t get time with their families
“We believe it is important for our team members to be able to spend this time with their loved ones,” said Travis Smith the CEO and president from Jo Ann Fabric and Craft Stores (New Haven). If all store owners thought like this then there would be no early Black Friday on Thanksgiving and workers could spend that time with their families. Instead of being with their families, they have to be answering to rude customers. Many americans have said that Black Friday shopping is one of the worst ideas stores have made and Thanksgiving is meant to be spent with your family. Although they are getting paid pretty good money to work on Thanksgiving, many have said they would much rather be with their families.
“Really Thanksgiving should be spent with your family and I believe the workers have a life, and need their time with family” (The Premier). Bart Reed, the consumer marketing director of Best Buy, said the company did not want to open until the earliest five a.m. on Black Friday. “We wanted to give our employees a "work-life balance" (Mother Jones). Costco refuses to open on Turkey day and said they would open at ten a.m. on Friday, which is their regular hours. Costco wants wor...

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... shopping takes the time we have with our families away from us and workers. We need to stand up against stores and stop this day of greed!

Works Cited
King Broadcasting Company, a Subsidiary of Belo Corp. "Black Friday Creeps into Thursday." KGW King Broadcasting Company, a Subsidiary of Belo Corp, 2009-2013. Web. 11 Dec. 2013.
Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress. "Why Are Big Retailers Trying to Kill Thanksgiving?" Mother Jones. Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress., 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013.
New Haven Register. "Business." U.S. Retailers Continue to Creep Black Friday Sales into Thanksgiving. New Haven Register, 22 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2013.
The Premier Online Debate Website. "Should Stores Start Black Friday Sales on Thanksgiving?" The Premier Online Debate Website., 2013. Web. 11 Dec. 2013.

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