Bittner's Definition Of The Police Role In The Criminal Justice System

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3. Bittner’s definition of the police role is that police may not always be able to prevent crime and in order to prevent crime we must remember it falls to political values. The police cannot always prevent incidents of crime, because they may not always look at various variables that may come into play. It is a constitutional organization that cannot always overstep their boundaries to stop criminal behavior and it’s on the police organization structure. To illustrate dishonest law enforcement, determined crime prevention, honorable law enforcement, strong law enforcement, and stratified crime prevention. Dishonest law enforcement oversell the fear of crime to control the civilians, however they create a false image or pretense that are no alternatives to crime but violent behavior. Determined crime prevention is to create key guidelines that …show more content…

They are consultation, adaptation, mobilization, and problem solving. Consultation provides to counsel police officers on the scene or the front lines that determine their behavior, adaptation is link with this because officers must adapt to any situation. Mobilization is for police officers to become active while on duty and to use quick problem solving in their criminal thinking methods; to provide clarity in difficult tense moments to protect the country. Stratified crime prevention has not come to the United States, as it origins are more foreign in other countries. It focuses more on personnel and holding them more highly regard, however the responsibility along with the pressure is more severe. As police officers become more involved in particular communities or just within their judicial they should know the background or layout of the structure better. This is seen as the future of police officers and possibly in politics as it has bought some success to other countries such as Britain and

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