Bipolar Disorder Treatment

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Treatment for bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder is a lifelong and recurrent illness. This illness will give negative effect if not give treatment. Bipolar disorder patients will experience a life in disarray and failed to carry out their daily activities. Patients become hyperactive and irresponsible when they are at manic phase. For example, the patient more denied when they are have problem and be aggressive when what they are want, they are not get it. In depressive phase, the patient will not able to continue their daily routine of life, such as they not able to work, get enough sleep and so on . Early diagnosis and treatment is able to avoid these problem. Some combination of factors are needed to treatment the patient of bipolar disorder. In this cases, medication only is not enough to help in treatment for bipolar disorder’s patient. The best treatment for this patient case, are communication with doctor and their therapist, such as sharing what their feeling and thinking in their session, another best treatment is have a strong support for people around them. For example, parents, wife, friends and neighbor. They also should choose the health of lifestyle such as jogging, dance and the last is discipline and follow all the pelan treatment . Bipolar disorder’s patient not able to get well in short time treatment, because they need a long time treatment to help them. Actually, there is no cure for bipolar disorder. But proper treatment help most people with bipolar disorder gain better control of the swing moods. We will using four type of treatment for bipolar disorder. The treatment are from physical treatment, cognitive treatment and lastly is psychotherapy treatment. Physical treatment are including take medicine, man... ... middle of paper ... enhance family coping strategies, such as recognizing new episodes early and helping their loved one. This therapy also improves communication and problem-solving. This therapy are used by Pat’s family. His parent always be patient with his behavior and always have planning to help him recover from this illness. For example, his father always give support to him to join sport and watching televisyen together. Pat is a very lucky man, because he get a strong support from his family. Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy is the one of psychotherapy treatment. This therapy helps people with bipolar disorder improve their relationships with others and manage their daily routines. Regular daily routines and sleep schedules may help protect against manic episodes. In the movie, Pat, have a good relationship with people around him. He also had a girlfriend, Tiffany.

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