Biography Of Bernie Sanders

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Bernie Sanders is a leader of our generation, a face for the goals and aspirations of the diverse minorities that populate this nation. He is an intersectional leader who vouches for the underdog and recognizes the unique struggles of underrepresented demographics. Bernie represents the common American, in all its various forms. He is not simply another face for the upper middle class, cisgender, heterosexual, white man. Despite the fact that he did not succeed in becoming the Democratic Nominee for POTUS, he did succeed in giving a voice for millennials and post-millennials who are tired of standing down to the inequality that abounds in this country. Bernie Sanders has pursued equality all of his adult life. A childhood in a poor Polish family taught him early on that American …show more content…

He served four terms as the Mayor of Burlington, won a seat as an independent in the House of Representatives, set himself apart as one in a small group of independent legislators. Although he faced great competition, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2007 and was reelected in 2012. Now, “Senator Bernie Sanders is America's longest-serving independent politician in Congress,” (Biography, 2016). This impressive record and Bernie Sanders’ impeccable principles made him a perfectly viable candidate for President, and brought worldwide recognition. Thus, “Sanders made history as the only presidential candidate to ever be invited to the Vatican to speak on moral, environmental and economic issues,”(Biography, 2016). According to the Pope, this visit was not one of a political nature, but it undoubtedly stands as a testament to the purity of Bernie Sanders’ message and motives. In lieu of the flame Bernie Sanders ignited, more individuals will crowd around the bonfire of equality In no time, all of America will be feeling the Bern, following Sanders’ lead in the march towards a progressive, fair

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