Billy Collins Essay

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Billy Collins accessibility in “Questions about Angels,” proves that it allows the reader to relate to the poem. Billy Collins work proves this with the language used in his work, the satire, and how he expands the topic in his poetry.
Billy Collins uses certain languages in his poetry to allow all readers to relate to his poetry. Collins uses multiple forms of language in his writing. From simple language to any universal language in his writing. In Billy Collins “Questions about Angels,” he writes, “The only one you ever hear is how many can dance on a head of a pin” (1-3). Collins beings this poem with a universal question. One that many have heard of and have not gotten an answer to. This for of language catches the readers attention with something familiar …show more content…

“A poem can start with something trivial and then develop significance along the way” (Collins 1138). The poet can start poetry however they desire. Billy Collins believes that using a certain language that is familiar to all easily catch the attention of the reader. Catching the readers attention then allows him to lead them towards a deeper meaning. Multiple scholars agree that Collins work is widely used for its language that many readers can understand. The University of Pittsburgh writes, “ Billy Collins poetry is widely accessible. He writes in an original way about all manner of ordinary things and situation” (Billington). They believe that Collins accessibly in poetry is due to the language he uses. He writes about current topics and address situations that one may run into.
Billy Collins uses satire in his poetry to enhance his poetry. Collins uses the humor sense in poetry to make his poetry enjoyable. He uses it as humor but also to mock theologians that make literature more complex. In Billy Collins

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