Bigfoot is Real

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All around the world monsters are spotted contently everyday. Many of the monsters live in extraordinary circumstances. These monsters range from the chupacabra to the ancient megalodon. One of these monsters being bigfoot. Bigfoot is a very well know monster that has been in myths and stories for hundreds of years and sightings have started almost 200 years ago. One of the things many people wanted to know is how closely related bigfoot is to humans and how closely it is to apes.

The physical description of bigfoot is close to the same for almost all sources and sightings. “600 to 900 pounds” (Quick Facts, 2005). “Adult males typically stand between 8 to 12 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide at the shoulders. The males are often seen as wider at the shoulders than at the hips, having an “athletic” build. Females are smaller than males, with most reports at between 7 and 9 feet tall. Females are more often described as having a barrel shaped build, with narrower shoulders than the male and wider hips with a straight line, bulky body.” (Biology, n.d.).

There is lots of history and many old stories about hairy human like creatures, The oldest of them was from almost 2000 BC and were written on clay tabs and were found in Babylonia. The next earliest found was in 500 BC with ancient carvings and traditions in the ancient Greek and Roman empires (Bigfoot Facts, 2012). Later you then see myths of hairy creatures in medieval Europe. In the European myths the hairy creature does not have horns or a tail and more closely resembles the bigfoot we know today. Bigfoot has been a myth and a traditional part of folklore for centuries, but real sightings of the creature have only started from the early 1800s. Stories and sightings then became ...

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...for knowledge.

Works Cited

Bigfoot Facts. (2012, October). Bigfoot Finder. Retrieved January 31, 2014, from Biology. (n.d.). Sasquatch research association. Retrieved January 25, 2014, from

Historical Overview. (2006, August). S Parkash. Retrieved Febuary 9, 2014, from

Kal, K. (2004, July). Exposing Patterson. Retrieved February 15, 2014, from

Krystek, L. (2005, August 5). Quick Facts. Retrieved January 28, 2014, from

Thomson, D. (1811, January 7). Journal of David Thompson. Retrieved January 29, 2014, from

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