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The importance of the right to privacy
The importance of the right to privacy
Importance of privacy short essay
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Privacy (Pri-va-cy) n.1. the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. Privacy is illusion humanity has invented to make human feel free. In the dystopian novel, 1984 written by George Orwell, Big Brother is a figure of control over the civilians’ non-existent ‘privacy’. The society is brainwashed into following a man they’ve never seen I person before and being part of a government that lies and goes by these three slogans,” War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is Strength”(Orwell 4). What person in their right mind would believe this? The mere idea of ‘privacy’ is nonexistent in 1984 because ‘Big Brother is Watching You’ (Orwell 2). This idea that Orwell presented has become a reality today. The use and advances of technology has deprived us of our privacy even within our own home.
A great example of a present day dystopian society is in East Asia, in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, North Korea.
Brain washing from birth, under constant surveillance, cowed by the all-embracing state and facing the spectre of disappearing forever in its vast network of camps if they step out of line.
This is what North Koreans lives are like, according to Channel NewsAsia reported by a UN reporter. North Korea is under the current rule of totalitarian regime Kim Jong-Un. The poor innocent children are brainwashed since the moment they speak. Citizens are under surveillance and some disappear when they step out of line. This oozes in pure 1984 dystopia. The article form Channel NewsAsia, Brainwashing, surveillance, fear: daily fare in North Korea, mentions that a 400 page book filled with testimonies of North Koreans who managed to escape were afraid to speak since they had relat...
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...sing so society has too as well. It might not be the year 1984, but it sure does feel like it. We are all being deprived of our privacy because Big Brother is Watching You.
Works Cited
“Average Time Spent Online per U.S. Visitor in 2010”. Engagment, U.S. (13 Jan. 2011).Web.30 Mar.2014.
“Brainwashing, surveillance, fear: daily fare in North Korea”. Channel NewsAsia. (18 Feb. 2014) .Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
“Privacy”. Google. 2014.
Adams, Guy. “Is your TV spying on YOU? It sounds like science fiction but many new TVs can watch you- telling advertisers your favorite shows or even filming you on the sofa. And there’s no off switch!” Mail Online. (25 Nov 2013). Web.30 Mar .2014.
Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Penguin Group, 1950.Print.
Whitefield, Paul. “Yahoo webcam spying: When Big Brother morphs into Peeping Tom”. Los Angeles Times. (27 Feb 2013). Web . 6. Mar. 2014.
Blaine Harden, former national correspondent and writer for the New York Times, delivers an agonizing and heartbreaking story of one man’s extremely conflicted life in a labor camp and an endeavor of escaping this place he grew up in. This man’s name is Shin Dong-hyuk. Together, Blaine Harden and Shin Dong-hyuk tell us the story of this man’s imprisonment and escape into South Korea and eventually, the United States, from North Korea. This biography that takes place from 1982-2011, reports to its readers on what is really going on in “one of the world’s darkest nations” (back cover of the book), that is run under a communist state and totalitarian dictatorship that was lead by Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il, and currently lead by Kim-Jong un. In Escape from Camp 14, Shin shows us the adaptation of his life and how one man can truly evolve from an animal, into a real human being.
The North Korean government is known as authoritarian socialist; one-man dictatorship. North Korea could be considered a start of a dystopia. Dystopia is a community or society where people are unhappy and usually not treated fairly. This relates how Ray Bradbury's 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451 shows the readers how a lost of connections with people and think for themselves can lead to a corrupt and violent society known as a dystopia.
Taylor, James Stacey. "In Praise of Big Brother: Why We Should Learn to Stop Worrying and Love Government Surveillance." Public Affairs Quarterly July 2005: 227-246.
During the 1950s and the Korean War, people were worried about brainwashing and mind control techniques. In 1949 the book 1984, written by George Orwell, was published. At this time Korea was in a civil war. The civil war ended up with North Korea as a totalitarian government and South Korea as a separate nation, with a permanent state of war existing between them. Orwell's novel accurately predicted this scenario. In 1984 brainwashing was used to distort the citizens' concepts of reality, and these distorted concepts led to a total belief in a totalitarian regime. As a result, brainwashing, as described in the novel and as seen in the reality of North Korea, is the principle ingredient in totalitarian governments.
1984 demonstrates a dystopian society in Oceania by presenting a relentless dictator, Big Brother, who uses his power to control the minds of his people and to ensure that his power never exhausts. Aspects of 1984 are evidently established in components of society in North Korea. With both of these society’s under a dictator’s rule, there are many similarities that are distinguished between the two. Orwell’s 1984 becomes parallel to the world of dystopia in North Korea by illustrating a nation that remains isolated under an almighty ruler.
George Orwell’s Famous book 1984 is about a man who struggles to live under the superintendence of Big Brother. Throughout the novel, Winston struggles with constantly being surveilled and the lack of freedom. Similarly, in our world today, there are government agencies that have the power to listen to phone calls, track people's movements, and watch them through cameras. Winston’s world of surveillance and inadequate confidentiality both privately and publicly is in many aspects much the same as in our world today and the people should demand regulations to be set in place to protect their privacy.
Current advancements in technology has given the government more tools for surveillance and thus leads to growing concerns for privacy. The two main categories of surveillance technologies are the ones that allow the government to gather information where previously unavailable or harder to obtain, and the ones that allow the government to process public information more quickly and efficiently (Simmons, 2007). The first category includes technologies like eavesdropping devices and hidden cameras. These are clear offenders of privacy because they are capable of gathering information while being largely unnoticed. The second category would include technologies that are used in a public space, like cameras in a public park. While these devices
With webcams built-in to nearly every computer, people may unknowingly be watched and monitored. Searches are monitored on the Internet as some key words lead to suspicion and then lead to a careful watch over the person. At nineteen eighty-four, the similarities between our current society and Oceana’s is quite noticeable. For Oceana, the telescreens can be viewed as today’s webcams, as they monitor, listen, and record anything it is able to pick up. This has already occurred in North Korea.
Whitefield, Paul. “Yahoo webcam spying: When Big Brother morphs into Peeping Tom”. Los Angeles Times. (27 Feb 2013). Web. 16 Apr. 2014.
In 1948, George Orwell wrote about a society in which individual privacy was nonexistent. In this society, which he imagined would become a reality in the 1980s, surveillance was foremost. Everything one did was under surveillance by “Big Brother”, an unseen figure who was always watching you. Surveillance in this society was imposed and malicious. Although this type of society has never fully become a reality in the Western world, changes in technology and media are indirectly bringing this imagined society, one of complete surveillance, to life. With the rise in corporate business and commercialism, surveillance in society increasing; however, new media has brought about a significant shift in its use. In the 20th century, surveillance was primarily used for “protective measures”, as Orwell had imagined. In the 21st century, there has been a rise in its use for commercialism. This essay will critically analyze the developments in new media that have contributed to this shift, as well as explain the reason for the ubiquitous nature of surveillance in today’s western society. To aid with this analysis, surveillance will hereby be defined as a “focused, systematic, and routine attention to personal details for purposes of influence, management, protection or direction” (Lyon 2007:14).
Privacy is a human right that must always be maintained. However, with continuously advancing technology, surveillance is only becoming easier. In current society, many are unaware of the power the government has over accessing information. Many also do not think that this is an important issue in today’s world. The well-known novel, 1984, by George Orwell reflects heavily on this issue. It illustrates a world where there is a complete totalitarian government. Similarly, The Truman Show starring Jim Carrey, is about the character Truman Burbank who unknowingly has a television show revolve around his entire life. These two stories demonstrate the extremes surveillance can lead to if not addressed properly. With the revolutionary increase of technology in today’s society, it is undeniable that government surveillance has a ubiquitous presence. These two stories contain haunting messages where they warn of the outcomes that are associated with the abuse of power. There are a
Much has changed in our governments view on what is considered to be violations of our individual rights. The argument is not about the ideal of privacy or the ideal of security, it is about the improper use of data collected by the government that is misrepresented and improperly utilized in violation of our very own Civil Rights and Liberties. This is allowed through silver tongued legal representation sponsored by the government for the government to exercise the ability to use loopholes in the legal system. The very Supreme Court in which we entrust to make the legal and moral decisions on privacy versus security is a judge nominated by the same political system (government) that has enacted such distrust. Our forefathers warned us in their speech and tried to save us in their laws. We have failed them by our actions and with our greed.
Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Print Kuhn, Betsy. Prying Eyes: Privacy in the Twenty-First Century? Minneapolis: Lerner Publishing Group, 2008.
Privacy is not just a fundamental right, it is also important to maintain a truly democratic society where all citizens are able to exist with relative comfort. Therefore, “[Monitoring citizens without their knowledge] is a major threat to democracies all around the world.” (William Binney.) This is a logical opinion because without freedom of expression and privacy, every dictatorship in history has implemented some form of surveillance upon its citizens as a method of control.
However, government agencies, especially in America, continue to lobby for increased surveillance capabilities, particularly as technologies change and move in the direction of social media. Communications surveillance has extended to Internet and digital communications. law enforcement agencies, like the NSA, have required internet providers and telecommunications companies to monitor users’ traffic. Many of these activities are performed under ambiguous legal basis and remain unknown to the general public, although the media’s recent preoccupation with these surveillance and privacy issues is a setting a trending agenda.