Big Brother is Watching You

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Privacy (Pri-va-cy) n.1. the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. Privacy is illusion humanity has invented to make human feel free. In the dystopian novel, 1984 written by George Orwell, Big Brother is a figure of control over the civilians’ non-existent ‘privacy’. The society is brainwashed into following a man they’ve never seen I person before and being part of a government that lies and goes by these three slogans,” War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom, Ignorance is Strength”(Orwell 4). What person in their right mind would believe this? The mere idea of ‘privacy’ is nonexistent in 1984 because ‘Big Brother is Watching You’ (Orwell 2). This idea that Orwell presented has become a reality today. The use and advances of technology has deprived us of our privacy even within our own home.
A great example of a present day dystopian society is in East Asia, in the northern half of the Korean Peninsula, North Korea.
Brain washing from birth, under constant surveillance, cowed by the all-embracing state and facing the spectre of disappearing forever in its vast network of camps if they step out of line.
This is what North Koreans lives are like, according to Channel NewsAsia reported by a UN reporter. North Korea is under the current rule of totalitarian regime Kim Jong-Un. The poor innocent children are brainwashed since the moment they speak. Citizens are under surveillance and some disappear when they step out of line. This oozes in pure 1984 dystopia. The article form Channel NewsAsia, Brainwashing, surveillance, fear: daily fare in North Korea, mentions that a 400 page book filled with testimonies of North Koreans who managed to escape were afraid to speak since they had relat...

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...sing so society has too as well. It might not be the year 1984, but it sure does feel like it. We are all being deprived of our privacy because Big Brother is Watching You.

Works Cited

“Average Time Spent Online per U.S. Visitor in 2010”. Engagment, U.S. (13 Jan. 2011).Web.30 Mar.2014.
“Brainwashing, surveillance, fear: daily fare in North Korea”. Channel NewsAsia. (18 Feb. 2014) .Web. 27 Feb. 2014.
“Privacy”. Google. 2014.
Adams, Guy. “Is your TV spying on YOU? It sounds like science fiction but many new TVs can watch you- telling advertisers your favorite shows or even filming you on the sofa. And there’s no off switch!” Mail Online. (25 Nov 2013). Web.30 Mar .2014.
Orwell, George. 1984. New York: Penguin Group, 1950.Print.
Whitefield, Paul. “Yahoo webcam spying: When Big Brother morphs into Peeping Tom”. Los Angeles Times. (27 Feb 2013). Web . 6. Mar. 2014.

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