Biblical Allusions In Samson

566 Words2 Pages

Carol Yao, Cynthia Lin, Jay Guo, Wayne Wang
Ms. Nelson
Literature 11H+ (A)
Sept 22, 2017
Four Biblical Allusions
Meaning: Power of faith, Sin, Love, Correct Evaluation of Others, Redemption
Bible Reference: Judge 16 --- Samson fell in love with Delilah. “Philistine rulers paid Delilah a great sum of money to help them discover the secret of Samson’s power.” (1) Delilah found out that Samson’s power was his hair. She cut his hair and helped the Philistines capture him. Samson was tortured and “his eyes were gouged out.” (1) However, his hair grew continuously in the prison. After his hair had finished growing, he killed all the Philistines around him.
Sample Sentence: Make sure that she really loves you. I don’t want to see …show more content…

Moses’s Birth
Meaning: God’s love and blessing
Bible Reference: Exodus 2-40—Moses was born in Egypt and later fled to Midian to avoid the prosecution from Pharaoh and led the Hebrew people to a safe place, when he went onto Sinai and received the God’s ordinance—the Ten Commandments, in order to rule over the Hebrew people.
Sample Sentence: The leader had contributed so much to the country’s development that he was praised by the people as the next Moses to the nation.
2. Ten Plagues
Meaning: The Designated …show more content…

Sample Sentence: Don’t irritate that man, because he is the Moses in our company.
3. Promised Land
Meaning: A place of fortune and happiness
Bible Reference: Genesis 15-28, Exodus 23:31, Numbers 34, Deuteronomy 1-19—The Promised Land is the place assigned to Moses and the Israel people to “a land flowing with mild and honey” to make their lives better
Sample Sentence: We have been dwelled in such a Promised Land that everyone is thriving because of the great living condition.

Meaning: The power of faith
Bible reference: God demanded Abraham to take his son Isaac as a sacrifice in order to test whether Abraham was loyal or not. Abraham obey God’s orders, taking Isaac to the mountain, bounding his son and being ready to kill Isaac by using a knife. Suddenly the angel called Abraham’s name to stop the harm, telling him that God knew he was faithful in God. Eventually Abraham took the ram provided by God as the sacrifice rather than Isaac.
Sample Sentence: He sat beside his mom’s bed, firmly trusting, like Abraham and Isaac, in God that God would help his mom get well soon.


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