Betty Rollin Motherhood

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In the article “Motherhood: Who Needs It?”, Betty Rollin identifies the motherhood myth as a compelling force which binds women into craving children, therefor chaining both men and women to their societal gender roles. Every woman has the choice to have children, however just because they have the resources to produce children doesn’t mean that they are compelled to do so or are they. The motherhood myth centers around women instinctively wanting children but is this true and is it really needed in our world, for every woman to want a child. Rollin has an answer and clearly states that the motherhood myth is “baloney”. Thus making her point about the motherhood myth needing to be rejected in our world. The feeling of happiness in adults …show more content…

Furthermore, the mother states that she is physically out of energy which means that the intimate relationship that she has with her husband is become less and less fruitful in the bed. Overall her experience of motherhood has been one of an unsatisfactory nature, but most importantly all of these child related tasks don’t come off as instinctual so why do every one thing that motherhood is ins …show more content…

Furthermore, the experiment helps to advocate the idea that not everyone is ready for parenthood in general, people can get out of a relationship easily but getting out of being a parent is much harder. A brutal point made by Rollin is that “Motherhood can turn women into terrible people” and this is true based on the staggering amount of child abuse cases each year in the united states. Nothing can prepare adults for the responsibility of caring for a child and having the motherhood myth insinuate that every woman must instinctively want a child is ludicrous. There’s already so much pain in this world and parenthood doesn’t only affect the parents it also has a huge impact on the

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