Betrayal In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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A Thousand Splendid Suns is drowns in emotion and events in the characters lives, which creates issues that affects them. The novel starts off with Mariam and the relations between her and her father, Jalil. Mariam haves endearment for her father, she dreamt of living with him. Then there's relation between Mariam and Rasheed, after the betrayal of her father. Throughout the marriage Mariam is the submissive spouse, living in fear. The novel foreshadows, giving a glimpse of a girl name Laila. Laila ends up merging into the lives of Mariam and Rasheed after finding out the love of her life is dead. Relationships can end bad or start off good. With this in mind, the significance of betrayal can either have a positive or negative impact on a person's life or even both. Violation of trust is prime because, without those damaging and hurtful moments , there wouldn't be enjoyable memories. Betrayal is introduced in the beginning when Mariam leaves her mother, Nana. Nana is a spiteful person who repels the father of her child, Jalil. Mariam is the only thing that Nana had, but now lost. When Mariam leaves her mother, it’s a new experience for her, she sees a different world. Later Mariam is lying outside of Jalil’s house. She feels abandoned and in a deep, cold, core of loneliness. …show more content…

This is when Mariam started getting use to being submissive and start falling [in love] for Rasheed or comfortable. Where she now feels comfortable with Rasheed, later Rasheed tells Mariam to give him the ring because he's marrying Laila. Now Mariam feels like he stab her in the back. The relationship between Mariam and Laila lacks, Rasheed tells Laila that if she needs anything ask Mariam. Mariam feels someone is taking over her territory, another woman taking her spot. That ring symbolize betrayal, Mariam feels like Rasheed is moving to another woman. Laila feels rather provoked towards Mariam, starting off

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