Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme Essay

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As reported by Editors (2017), “Bernie Madoff was a stockbroker who ran his multibillion dollar firm as a grand-scale “Ponzi scheme”, and is currently serving a 150-year prison sentence” (p. 1). A “Ponzi scheme” according to Yang (2014), “lures investors in by guaranteeing unusually high returns. Ponzi schemes are run by a central operator, who uses the money from new, incoming investors to pay off the promised returns to older ones” (p. 1). People, even famous people, trusted Bernie to invest their money for financial gain, and as money came in from the investors, more money went into Bernie’s pocket. He began his investment business with his wife, Ruth, in 1960 when he established the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities, …show more content…

According to Editors (2017), his investment company became “famous for its reliable annual returns of ten percent or more, and by the end of the 1980s, his firm was handling more than five percent of the trading volume on the New York Stock Exchange” (p.2). Due to the use of computers for his business, his business grew, and Bernie had to hire more employees to help out, including family members. Bernie was making lots of money through his scheme, but truth be known, he was rich before he started his scheme. He, his family, and employees were living comfortably from the money that was coming into the company, but yet he wanted more, therefore he continued his scheme. Eventually, his scheme was revealed, and needless to say, it was his sons that turned him in to the authorities. As stated in Editors (2017), “the day before, the investor informed his sons that he planned to give out several million dollars in bonuses earlier than scheduled, and they demanded to know where the money was coming from. Madoff then admitted that a branch of his firm was actually an elaborate “Ponzi scheme”. Madoff’s sons reported their father to federal authorities, and the next day Madoff was arrested and charged with securities

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