In 1961 the Berlin wall made a difference by splitting eastern and western Germany. First, People were trying to climb the wall but got shot to their death. To Continue, Families got split. So, People would try to cross the border by going under the wall. Then, as many that tried to escaped got shot to their death to prevent them from leaving. If you tried going on the other side of the wall you would be shot to death to prevent mixing of eastern and western said “East German guards gun down a young man trying to escape across the Berlin Wall into West Berlin and leave him to bleed to death.” Adding on, People didn't want eastern and western Germany to mix because, of the Cold War. At the artical “Horrified West German guards watched, the second young man was shot by machine guns on the East Berlin side.” Continuing, Even if you make it to the to of the Berlin wall you will get shot because they will do anything so no one will get over the wall. said “Nearly 80 people were killed trying to cross from East to West Berlin.” Lastly, if you ever try to get to the …show more content…
According to the, “Sigrid had to beg to see her son and ended up spending two years in prison just for trying to be a mother.” There for, the guards didn’t let you through the Berlin wall even if you had a baby on the other side of the wall. said that, “Sigrid had to beg to see her son and ended up spending two years in prison just for trying to be a mother.” Seeing that, When families get split when they reunite they might not recognize each other. said that, “Within days, Torsten started coughing up blood and Sigrid took him back to the Charité hospital in east Berlin.” Finally, If a family member was dying on the other side of the wall you wouldn't be able to say goodbye you would be on your side of Germany and stay on that
Gerta’s family, like many other families in Berlin, had been split with the construction of the wall. She, her mother, and her older brother, Fritz, struggle to live a normal life in communist controlled East Berlin. Her and her family had always secretly hated the GDR, German Democratic Republic, and had hoped to leave while they had the chance before something bad happened so they are seen as a possible enemy to the state, mostly because of a strike her father was a part of long ago. After the wall went up, years went by and she hadn't heard anything from her dear father and brother, Dominic until on her way to
My first reason why it was not worth the costs is the wall actually did not keep people out. It was not very protective. The wall affected so many things. It affected life styles, people's daily routine. It also affected families. (Doc. E). The wall was not one big long wall. It stretched three hundred miles to the west and there was a watchtower beyond the wall end. But there were still places that were not protected by the wall. The Xiongnu could just walk around the wall and them come in and invade. People may think that they are fine because the wall is protecting them but they need to be aware that there are spots that are not protected by the wall. They would spend so much money on this wall to protect people when it really does not protect them that well (Doc. D). One of the most important reasons is that they had to pay the Xiongnu to stay out and not invade them. They paid them with Silk Thread and Silk Fabric. The amount they gave them from the year 51 BCE to one BCE they almost tripled the amount! It increased a lot. If they had to pay them to stay out them that proves that the Great Wall does not work.
To secure its economy and to maintain it, the German Democratic Republic decided to build the heavily protected Berlin Wall. This would limit the number of exodus from the East and give the German Democratic Republic a large advantage over its population. As the wall had many purposes, one of them was to see if the West would retaliate in any way in response to this move. When there was no involvement from the any of the powers that controlled the West, German Democratic Republic took advantage of this situation to its favor and increased its control. It restricted Britain and France to enter East Berlin from their normal waypoints, rather commanded them to take the route through the American passage which, moreover, was heavily guarded and every personnel was checked before entering.
What will you do when you meet a wall that block your way? There are only two ways, either finding a way to go through the wall or staying still. In fact, this is life, when a barrier cut down the road, there comes to two choices, taking an action or doing nothing. In poems ‘where there’s a wall’ by Joy Kogawa and ‘Paxis’ by Sharon. They both talk about the ‘walls’ in their life. On the one hand, in ‘where there’s a wall’ Joy tells about her experience inside the internment camp where there is no freedom. On the other hand, Sharon in ‘Paxis’ observes how human being act meaninglessly under control of outside world. He expresses his sorry and wants to encourage people to fight their own future. Joy and Sharon try to tell people, life can be full
Auschwitz Concentration Camp “Get off the train!”. Hounds barking loud and the sound of scared people, thousands of people. The “Now!”. I am a shaman. All sorts of officers yelling from every angle.
“Concentration camps (Konzentrationslager; abbreviated as KL or KZ) were an integral feature of the regime in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945. The term concentration camp refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy” (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum).
Most families were split up when they were taken away to the concentration camps. Some camps are split up by gender. They didn’t care if you were married or if you had kids. If you had kids under 12 years old, you weren’t going to see them again because kids were automatically sent to death chambers.
The borders were strict and guarded by strict government soldiers and if anyone were to pass the would get killed right away, at least 171 people were killed trying to pass. In order to pass through with consent they had to go through 1 of 3 checkpoints; Checkpoint Charlie, Alpha, or Bravo. The wall splitting East and West Germany almost started a world war 3 but President John F Kennedy convinced The Soviet Union to back down. In 1989 the political view of the Soviet Union changed and it was agreed that the wall shall be taken down, all of it. East and West germans climbed on top of the wall and started hammer down on the wall to prove their soon to be freedom. It was a very emotional time as families were separated and finally reunited. For Example my father's family from Germany was separated for all of this time and were so happy to see eachother again they called all the family from around the world to come and
The end of World War II was the beginning of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Soviet Union had control over East Berlin, which was governed by a communist government and the United States had control over West Berlin, which was regulated by a democratic government. Both countries wanted full control over Berlin, so the Soviet Union set up a blockade on the West but was unsuccessful. The Berlin Wall was then built to stabilize the economy of East Berlin, which meant that fewer people could escape the east to live in the west. In the article “The fall of the Berlin Wall: what it meant to be there,” by Timothy Garton Ash, he highlights the feelings of no longer having a “iron curtain” segregating both sides of Berlin.
Before the wall got built in1961, East German peoples could travel to West Berlin to visit there family’s. On May 8th, 1945 the World War II ended. June 24th, 1948 the Soviet Military started the Berlin Blockade. Germany was divided in four different parts after World War II. Each part was controlled by a different part of a country. Twenty- eight years and “Iron curtain” East and West Berlin got divided in the heart of Germany.
In conclusion Berlin Wall was an important milestone in the growth of the Cold War. It was the expansion that represented the thinking of a determined Communist system. Western Capitalism, which was more powerful, eventually defeated the system. The massive wall that did so much harm to a country was finally destroyed, and the people of Germany could now live the way they all wanted to live. They could live the life of freedom. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall East Germany has went through a lot of changes, and it still is not easy for all of the people in East Germany. But no matter how hard it is for the people of East Germany now, it is better than being alone and separated from their families, friends and rest of Europe.
Prior to the construction of the Berlin Wall, boarders between East and West Germany were closed in 1952 because of tension between Communists and Democratic superpowers and the only open crossing left in Berlin. West Germany was blockaded by the Soviets and only kept alive because of air drops made by the Western Allies (Time). The Soviets had to do something about the mass amount of people leaving Soviet East Berlin for West Berlin, and the non-communist world.
Each section was controlled by a different country; United States, France, Britain, and the Soviet Union. The Capital Berlin, being inside the Soviet controlled East Germany, was also divided into two sections, East and West Berlin. West Berlin was controlled by the United States and East Berlin was controlled by the Soviet Union. Starting on August 13 1961, Berliners woke up to a barrier separating the east from the west. East Germans had closed off the border with barbwire and guards. Many families were separated. Many jobs were lost. Two days after the border had been closed off, a wall had begun to get built.
The Berlin Crisis reached its height in the fall of 1961. Between August and October of that year, the world watched as the United States and the Soviet Union faced off across a new Cold War barrier, the Berlin Wall. In some ways, the Wall was Khrushchev’s response to Kennedy’s conventional buildup at the end of July, and there were some in the West who saw it that way. However, as Hope Harrison has clearly shown, Khrushchev was not the dominant actor in the decision to raise the Wall, but rather acquiesced to pressure from East German leader Walter Ulbricht, who regarded the Wall as the first step to resolving East Germany’s political and economic difficulties. The most pressing of these difficulties was the refugee problem, which was at its height in the summer of 1961 as thousands of East Germans reacted to the increased tensions by fleeing westward. But Ulbricht also saw the Wall as a way to assert East German primacy in Berlin, and thus as a way to increase the pressure on the West to accept East German sovereignty over all of Berlin.
The Berlin Wall was constructed in 1961 by the GDR (German Democratic Republic - (East Germany) under the pretext of keeping out the fascist enemy infiltrating from West Germany. In actual fact, the wall was built to keep in the population of the GDR, many of whom were fleeing to a better life in West Berlin and other European Countries. Armed border guards were sworn to protect East Germany however they knew that a better life existed on the other side of the wall. The photographer, Peter Leibing, captured the moment in history, when the first GDR Border Guard , Conrad Schumann, finally got the courage to desert his post and leap over the barricade (at that point still a barbed wire fence).