Berlin Wall Dbq

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To glance, it seems bizarre why the decision to build the wall in the heart of Europe which divided a large city was taken. In this respect, it is necessary to take into consideration the historical circumstances, which led to the creation of the Wall. Naturally, the tension between the world’s superpowers grew and the division of the world into socialist and Democratic Party was practically inevitable. In such a situation Berlin, being occupied and controlled by four countries, the US, the UK, France and the USSR, could not fail to remain the epicenter of the international tension. In fact, there were a lot of factors which contributed to the decision to build the war in Berlin, such as a currency reform in 1948 and the following ineffective …show more content…

To put it more precisely, the Wall not only stopped the flow of refugees but also it cut the economic links between East and West Berlin, and it deprived thousands of East Germans of their livelihoods. Moreover, many East Berliners were cut off from their jobs; many families were split and chances for financial betterment (Buckley 2006, p.63. In such a situation, it is probably only due to a strong state support and aid from the USSR that prevent East Berlin and the GDR from unpredictable economic, political and social consequences of the construction of the Wall Nonetheless, authoritarian methods that were amply used by the totalitarian government of the GDR could not prevent people from attempts to escape from the ‘socialist paradise’ to the ‘capitalist hell’. There were a lot of examples when people attempted to escape to West Berlin even when it was dangerous for their lives because the government of the GDR and the USSR occupant forces put all their efforts on preventing any attempts of illegal emigration from East Berlin while any legal emigration was practically impossible. It is worthy to note that there was a clear Defense Ministry order 101, according to which “border violators should be destroyed and all …show more content…

At the same time, it is necessary to clearly realize that the fall of the Berlin Wall was the result of the victory of democratic forces in the Cold War. It is evident that the totalitarian regime controlling the GDR and Eastern Europe was about to ruin and the changes started in many socialist countries, including the USSR and naturally the GDR could not fail to lead to democratization of the country. At the same time, any democratic changes in Eastern Germany were impossible until the symbol of totalitarian regime existed, i.e. the Berlin Wall. At the same time, it is necessary to underline that there was another strong desire to unite Germany and German people. Actually, since 1989, before the Wall was physically ruined, German people had got an opportunity to move freely without any restrictions regardless the Wall but people could hardly forget thousands of Germans died and imprisoned, while attempting to trespass the

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