Beowulf is a Genuine Hero

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Fear is a painful emotion excited by the expectation of evil. In “Beowulf”, translated by Charles W. Kennedy, fear is not an option, or emotion, nor does it even exist for the hero. The hero, Beowulf, is also given strength equivalent to thirty men. These things are demonstrated in the tale of the most celebrated hero of Anglo-Saxon times, Beowulf. A man, of which people loved and respected throughout the entire region where he lived. He made the people feel that they had someone to rely on through times in which failure seemed unavoidable. Beowulf, from the epic poem “Beowulf”, is an extremely courageous hero and confronts his many difficult battles without fear.

Danger is confronted in every situation Beowulf faced, but he never considered fighting for what he felt was right no matter the cost. Beowulf showed his people that he was the person they could count on in times of trouble. There was a beast named Grendel that terrorizes the kingdom which Hrothgar rules. Beowulf wants to show that he is a hero and he also is fatalistic, which means that he believes in his battles if he dies or not he was meant to; that was his fate. This leads to, along with the fact that a great mead-hall wasn’t being used due to this monster, Beowulf setting foot to rid the Danes of this problem. Beowulf’s first sign of unmatchable courage comes in the fight with Grendel. Grendel is a large monster capable of snatching thirty men with a swoop of a hand. He is a giant whose superhuman strength and size is unmatched. Grendel has no fear whatsoever and he is merciless towards his victims. Beowulf sits awake in the mead-hall waiting for Grendel to strike. He has no fear and believes victory is in his favor. Beowulf’s men lie sleeping around Beowul...

... middle of paper ... help Beowulf was able to defeat dragon. After this long battle Beowulf lay dead like the dragon but he achieved his goal. In this process he sacrificed his life which is the most ultimate sign of courage.

This epic poem was written about a hero named Beowulf. This man showed the true abilities that are of a hero. He faces death in several situations and he is not fearful in any. He knows no meaning of fear. He goes into a situation believing in himself, no matter the who the opponent is, that he will seize the day. The courageous manor he portrays is a sign of a genuine hero . He never turned his back because he was courageous and knew that what he was fighting for was right. He shows at the end that no matter the cost, or the opponent, he is courageous enough to risk his life for the greater; which is why he is the most celebrated hero of Anglo-Saxon times.

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