Beowulf Quotes

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#1 for Role of the hero : Quote: “Beowulf was granted the glory of winning; Grendel was driven under the fen-banks, fatally hurt, to his desolate lair. “ - 817 page 55.

Paraphrase: Grendel is defeated and Beowulf fulfils his boast. It describes how hurt Grendel was from the battle with Beowulf. Shows how triumph Beowulf was.

Analyze: It shows that old Anglo Saxon of culture of having a hero, whom triumphs, after a great battle or struggle. It is a great honor to fulfill your mission especially to a menace, such as Grendel.

Evaluation : Such usefulness Beowulf can be. He protects and cares for those who are in need. He never seems to back down from any challenge. Beowulf is basically not afraid to die, he makes a strong name for himself.

Role of the Hero #2: “The man whose name was known for courage, the great leader, resolute in his helmet, answered in return: “we are …show more content…

evil when grendel attacks the hall. He sees Beowulf laying down and thinks he can defeated when he was oblivious of how strong Beowulf actually is. He has finally met his defeat.

analyze : This is where it shows the strength of Beowulf and at this point is really characterized as powerful and courageous. Grendel never encountered someone like Beowulf, but as soon as he made that mistake in attacking him Beowulf attacked back, not in any weapon except his own bare hands. Shows signs of a true hero and also the evil that grendel is capable of because in this passage it also includes that Grendel rips people to death.

Evaluate : The juxtaposition portrayed in the quote gives the true meaning of good vs. evil. It shows Beowulf and Grendel are equally matched. They might seem different, but are alike in many different ways. There a perfect match and Grendel finally met it right there.
Part II:

1. What is it that makes Beowulf a true hero? How do Beowulf's deeds, words, and beliefs come together to create the "perfect" medieval

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