Benvolio And Tybalt Comparison Essay

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Who am I more like-Benvolio or Tybalt. Before I answer that question I need to first compare and contrast the two characters, and identify their main traits. Benvolio is a peaceful, and as his name might suggest, benevolent person. There are several examples of this in the play. First, during the fight scene Benvolio is the first person to try to break it up. Later on, Benvolio promises to do his very best to bring his cousin Romeo out of depression. In fact, at the end of Act 1, scene 1, Benvolio says “I’ll pay that doctrine or else die in debt” in reference to teaching Romeo how to forget about Rosaline. This shows Benvolio’s dedication to Romeo’s well being. Next. Tybalt. Tybalt is a violent, warlike, hateful man. In the fight scene, instead of attempting to break up the fight like Benvolio, …show more content…

In fact, in Act 1, scene 1 Tybalt says “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.” His use of the word “hate” in this sentence shows how opposed he is to peace, as well as a large number of other people. This leaves these two people left with very little in common, other than the fact that they're both about the same age, the same gender, and they are both related to nobility. Although these are undeniable similarities, I don’t think that any of them are significant to the question. Now, let’s look at how I’m similar to and/or different than Benvolio. First and foremost, we are both very peaceable people. However, I believe that I am more peaceful than
Benvolio because I am a committed pacifist where as he did in fact fight during the brawl after his attempt to break it up. Next, Benvolio is dedicated to helping others. I like to think that I have this trait as well. I have often done voluntary service and the like, yet I think I might not be as dedicated as Benvolio. When Benvolio is trying to help Romeo get over Rosaline he seems fully

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