Benjamin Franklin's Accomplishments

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Benjamin Franklin, Who Was He? Who was Benjamin Franklin and what accomplishments did he make that affects us today? Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts, January 17, 1790. Benjamin Franklin “was the tenth son of soap maker, Josiah Franklin. Benjamin’s mother was Abiah Folger, the second wife of Josiah” (Electric). He became a diplomat, scientist, author and also a philosopher. Benjamin Franklin developed into a great man and became known as one of the founders of the fathers of the Declaration of the Independence; thus known as one of the many accomplishments he made throughout his lifetime. Research, documentaries and an autobiography written by Benjamin Franklin himself detail all his accomplishments. An amazing man, Ben Franklin became to be so far ahead of his time to create the many inventions he developed within his life time. Many historians characterize him as a genius as well as a national icon. One of Benjamin Franklin’s successfully revolutionized the newspaper business and printing trade. Benjamin Franklin’s father believed that Benjamin would someday become a minister because of the way he loved to read. Josiah Franklin, Benjamin’s father was a very religious man and instilled his strong religious beliefs in his children. Benjamin indeed was a man of religious beliefs nonetheless becoming a minister was …show more content…

Ben Franklin’s innovative ideas for the printing trade gave access to people to access political ideas, new inventions and freedom of speech. Without Ben Franklin’s innovated ideas people would remain uneducated and bound to certain political ideas. With Ben Franklin ideas and freedom of press, he encouraged people to develop freedom within their thoughts and actions. Ben Franklin not only developed freedom through the printing trade but encouraged America to become free to establish and express new ideas among the

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