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Educating children with special needs
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Recommended: Educating children with special needs
“No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying.” This is a quote from Anthony Robins, an American life coach, self-help author and motivational speaker. Children with disabilities are often frustrated with the amount of mistakes it may take before they see progress.
Children who are at risk are finding success with physical and emotional issues through the equestrian exercises. Therapeutic horseback riding reflects the successful treatment of children with disabilities. This paper will discuss the benefits of skill building and goal setting. It will also explore the physical benefits therapeutic horseback riding has on disabled children.
The family of a new rider and the instructor decide on what goals a child with disabilities can reach. These goals would be like improving posture or increasing speech fluency. Goals vary from child to child as a way to meet their specific goals. “Bobby” stutters. Therapeutic horseback riding can help him by riding a horse around the arena and calling out the numbers that are posted as he passes them. Sammy, a six year old with cerebral palsy, has a goal of sitting up straight. Her goal is to stay on the horse without aid from support staff. As she progresses, Sammy is instructed to move certain body parts that will test her balance.
Finding out each child’s weaknesses helps improve goal setting because goals are based on what they need improved. Beth Fox, director, stated, “We consult with the rider, caregiver, or family member, and determine the goals – cognitive, physical, social, emotional – and then set up the lesson accordingly” (“Horse Riding”). Goals gives the kids something to work for. They feel accom...
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... a sense of accomplishment and they feel as they can do anything they can set their mind to. Students also gain respect for their peers, animals, and the volunteers while riding horse.
When looking at ones physical weaknesses one must know that for every different disability, there are multiple different ways one can be treated for it while being involved with therapeutic horseback riding and each different exercise can be helpful in a different way for each individual.
The mental impairments a child may have can successfully be helped greatly by therapeutic horseback riding, while riding one may learn to speak certain words they have not been able to before, or could even help a stutter or a lisp.
Horses in the wild live in small herds, and domestic horses feel more comfortable if they have companions too. It can be quite stressful for a horse to live alone.
Once you get them to settle down and get there mind focused on just walking and the rider then you know the bond with the rider and horse are strong. When it is time for the second run of the night you want to warm them up again but not as hard this time because he or she has already been warmed up once before this, so just a little warming up won’t hurt. When it is that time for the second run the rider will bring the horse him a set him or her up for their first barrel and make the most of the race. If you see the rider smiling then everyone knows she has done her job with this horse. The rider can make an automatic barrel horse where that horse know his job and she barely has to ask the horse for a turn or touch his face to go around that barrel. When the rider gets a horse to be like that everyone can tell they spent hours and days together. The rider worked with that horse but never made him sour or hate coming into the arena. They spent time working on flexing the horse and making sure he knew when to tuck his nose and leave it for an extra second. They will all see when they are running home how much they spend time they spend together if they are fast and smooth through the pattern and don’t have any blow ups before or after coming in and out of the arena. After the race is over and the announcer say who
middle of paper ... ... Their disabilities have made them stronger, more determined people. Mariatu Kamara and Ishmael Beah’s stories show that no matter how hard life can get, no matter how hard or how many times life knocks one down, he or she can always pick him or herself up and turn their life around for the better. Works Cited Beah, Ishmael.
Perhaps if everyone realized the wisdom in the famous proverb, “before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes”, people would have more empathy for those who may seem to be atypical. The video How Difficult Can This Be? The F.A.T. City Workshop presented by Richard D. Lavoie effectively gets participants to experience the feelings and stress of children with learning disabilities. Lavoie draws his participants into the classroom experience with well developed exercises that elicit the frustration, anxiety, and tension of children with
‘“Now it’s my turn to make it better for generations that come after, which is why I’ve become, involved in disabilities issues”’ (Open University, 2016a).
As of 2011, it has been reported that there are 650 million disabled people in the world (“Disabilities”). Though this number is high, it is greatly underestimated because disabled people are commonly isolated and stigmatized by their community (“Disabilities”). After hearing of this extremely high number of disabled people, I then ultimately decided I would write my research paper on ways to help the disabled. Therapeutic riding has been actively helping individuals with disabilities for decades, and can benefit these unfortunate people physically, mentally, and emotionally. “Therapeutic riding, which originated in Europe, has been actively helping individuals with disabilities since the 1950's” (Shepard). Through equine-orientated activities, therapeutic riding is used to contribute to the cognitive, physical, emotional, and social well being of people with emotional issues and disabilities (Shepard). I was astonished on how many ways therapeutic riding can benefit disabled people.
Valent, Linda J.M. Et al. "Effects of Hand Cycle Training on Physical Capacity in Individuals With Tetraplegia: A Clinical Trial." Physical Therapy 89.10 (2009): 1051-060. Print.
Not all people born with spina bifida have the same needs, so treatment will be different for each person. Some people have problems that are more serious than others. Therapeutic recreation services can be used to strengthen the upper body, help increase postural alignment, and prevent obesity. Excersizes like chair aerobics, strength training, swimming, and archery can help develop shoulder and arm strength. Aerobic activities such as swimming to control body weight and activities that require full range of motion (such as tossing a ball) can also be used to help people. Some may need to maintain upper body strength when a wheelchair is the primary method of getting around. Through play, sports and recreation experiences, TRSs encourages friendship development and social relationships. TRSs can assist young people to adapt to their means of mobility and the strength they need to maintain the ability to move on a daily basis. (Carter p. 204
...tations of this study were the age range (6-8). Also, only looking at children with autism. Other children with motor and sensory function disorders might benefit from the same horseback-riding program.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is not one specific disorder, but a group of disorders that have similar behavioral characteristic, such as difficulty with communication and socialization. The cause of ASD is still unknown but there are studies that indicate there may a genetic or environmental component. More specifically, ASD can cause limitations in intellectual abilities as well as difficulties with attention and motor coordination. ASD is usually identified during the first three years of life and affects boys at a higher rate than girls (Autism Society). ASD actually occurs at five times a higher rate in boys than in girls, affecting as many as 1 in 54 boys as compared to 1 in 252 girls (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Newer reports have shown that the prevalence of ASD has increased over previous years and indicates that ASD can actually affect as many as 1 in 88 individuals (Autism Speaks). There are a multitude of different types of therapies than can assist individuals whose lives are affected by ASD. This paper describes many of the challenges faced by individuals with ASD and also explores some of the physical based activities that have been shown to be effective in helping children with ASD overcome many of the obstacles they face.
Riding encourages a child to work with their hands, exercise, and connect with horses and people of all ages, gain confidence, and learn new skills. Courtnee Niggel, an instructor summarizes how “A six year old child was told she will never walk again but after years of equine therapy she is now able to walk with a walker or by holding on to the sides of walls” (Niggel 1). Equine Therapy leaves a child with amazing results and changes their life drastically all the way from growing social skills to helping with motor skills, even to
The first thing she worried about after she woke up in the hospital was being able to ride again. She had taken riding lessons since she was three. Her dad bought her a Palomino barrel horse when they moved to Utah. She started competing in rodeos when she was seven. Her mom got her into pole bending, barrel racing, and breakaway roping. She did the best in barrel racing. That was her favorite event. She thought that after the accident she would be able to get back on her horses just like she used to. But it wasn’t the same. Her balance was very bad and she could barely stay on. She got so upset that she couldn’t ride anymore that she told her mom to go sell the horses and that she would never see them again. She would not go near them. Then one day she got a phone call for an interview. They asked her to sit on her horse and for them to take a picture for the interview. She decided to give it one more try and her balance was better than it was before. They started working with her some more and they figured out a way for her to ride again. They put straps on her saddle so her legs wouldn't fly everywhere and they also put a seatbelt on her saddle so she would stay in. They also taught the horses to listen to her voice and not her
Therapeutic riding has also been shown to improve the behavioral patterns of a child with autism. Smith says some behavioral patterns are inability to relate to other, sensory of processing deficits, cognitive deficits, self-stimulation, resistance to change, and challenging behaviors(Smith…). Scott lists multi-tasking as one of the skills that is improved with riding. “Multi-tasking-Simultaneously, a rider holds the reins in the correct position; squeezes with his legs; sits erect; listens to and follows directions from the instructor; and watches the horse in from of him lest his mount get to close” (13 scott). This skill of multi-tasking can be carried over to the classroom because a child has to be able to do multiple actions at a time. For example listen to the teacher while following their directions or taking notes, as well as not getting distracted by other students. Sequencing tasks is another skill that Scott recognizes improves with therapeutic riding. “A single chore(stopping a horse) for someone with impaired skills can be a series of steps, each done one at a time. Learning to put the steps together in the right order, which often doesn’t come naturally, can be helpful in daily life” (13 cognitive scott). Following sequential steps is crucial for a child to be able to perform in a classroom because a teacher will give a series of directions and they have to be able to follow it. A teacher may say hang up your coats, sit down at your desk and get out your writing assignment to work on. A child has to be able to follow those directions to be able to learn when needs to be learned. If the teacher has to take time to redirect or remind a child the series of directions this takes away from learning a subject. Another sk...
However, research has recently been done on how therapeutic riding helps children with autism. “The horse is un...
Horses are not just beasts to take care of, there are benefits to owning them, riding them, or even just being around them. You will of course learn to love horses, and they will probably love you, too, if you treat them kindly. Similarly, you learn the responsibility of being around horses and how to take care of them properly. Also, you can have pride in you or your horse's accomplishments, your riding skills, or knowing how to be around horses and having experience with them. If you are around horses, you have much to tell and share!
Completion of at least 100 hours of continuing educations in the horse profession and equine science. To