Benefits and Hazards of Medical Marijuana

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I think people that don’t know how to control or don’t have control over marijuana the weed program the development of the biological control of marijuana program/system, an advisory group was established at the request of biological control researchers who were seeking. It legalizing the use of marijuana as a social catalyst and as a tool with which prior physicians can know about the marijuana controversy, what are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana? Marijuana is the worst thing you can ever get involve in, it messes up your brain cells and etc. it cause your lungs to shrink and because very weak and also your heart. Most commonly reported effects of smoke marijuana are a sense of wellbeing or euphoria. Marijuana can be traveled by going through the bloodstream to brain, and this is where it also achieves its primary intoxicating effects in getting the person high. Most likely specifically during drug work by causing the brain to release. A marijuana risk is very promoted to relieve pain, and also control nausea and vomiting and also helps people who have cancer and AIDS. Some supporters claim that marijuana has anti-bacterial properties which people believe that it can easy prevent an asthma attack. Behind marijuana there are plants where made into fiber for rope and textiles, most of the time oil is remove from the seeds, and cultures are used in it.Smoking and eating marijuana can be caused as a mental and emotional effects including feelings, maybe some short-tern memory loss people have difficulty in completing a task. The public presser to allow the medical use of marijuana, marijuana Is the most commonly used illegal drug in the united states and is considered by young adults to be the illicit drug with t... ... middle of paper ... ...uman immune virus found in late stage AIDS. In conclusion of this paper is that marijuana is bad for you and that you can only use it by dealing with people that is has cancer. References Atkinson, H. J. (2010, May 4). Medical Marijuana: cleaning away the smoke. Retrieved, from http:/ Berlatsky, N. (2012). Marijuana. New York: Library . Bloomquist, R. E. (1967, March 12). Marijuana . . Retrieved April 30, 2014, from Ellen, D. (1970, August 18). Website Design Company India, Logo Agency India, Indore..... Retrieved April 30, 2014, from Joye, J., & Waston, S. (1970, June 4). Marijuana and Medicine. . Retrieved , from AM, K. (1991). Marijuana as Antiem. : Linhart, R. (2008). World Book . :

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