With such a huge focus on student achievement and the increase of national standards. Many school districts are looking at extending the time that students are in school and a way of raising these current standards. A huge question is will extended time make a positive or negative impact on the students. What you will find is that there are many benefits to promoting extended time in the classroom.
In Gabrieli’s “More time, more learning” he states that many teachers don’t feel as if they have enough time with the students to help all students reach their maximum potential. He thinks that the best way to fix this situation is an extended school day and year. When allowing this expanded time, it allows teachers to provide better to the needs
A main goal of teachers is to provide the specific instruction to help students to reach their full potential, this is often hindered due to a lack of time. “When schools add an average of 25% more time each year- or equivalent to three extra years of school” (Gabrieli, 236) The amount of individualized instruction that can be implemented to allow a student an extra three years of education can be so helpful to a child’s educational ability. Gabrieli recognizes that the pure increase in learning does not have an automatic effect on student achievement. The extended time must be prioritized and focused time. (Gabrieli, 237) Schools often try to accomplish many tasks or skills at once and this could lead to a lack of in-depth learning. (Gabrieli, 237) Another benefit of extended time is and extension in all areas of the curriculum. Not only will students get the individualized help they need from the subjects that they are behind in but they also get more time is every core subject. Permitting extensive learning in all subjects. Adding time in school also allows time for more physical education and a recess which is often being cut for schooling so that students can focus all time on improving academically. (Gabrieli, 237) Recess and physical education is an extremely important portion of a child’s development and this extended time allows for the student to get the time they need to be active while also having the ability to get more time in the
That broader conception of school allowed those schools to better support the students and address social issues that prevent students from accessing their full potential. This conceptual shift can only be spurred by a clear vision of “good education”—which then caused an improvement in their community’s education
...it, set higher aspirations, have better attendance, come to class more prepared to learn, and have fewer behavior problems” (Robbins and Alvy, 2009, p.178). These achievable improvements should be priority for school districts.
Extended class periods and block scheduling will improve student’s grades and can diminish their stress level significantly. A normal day in block scheduling consists of only four classes a day, alternating each day. These classes would last 120 minutes each, with the same 5 minute passing periods in between classes. This scheduling gives teachers more time to explain their lesson. It also gives students time to recover from the late nights due to sports and other activities because they only have four classes a day. Their homework for these classes isn’t due for another day, so they don’t have to stress over getting it done. 120 minute classes combined with blocked scheduling increases the amount of time teachers have for instruction and will overall increase the student’s knowledge, in turn, raising their grades.
Finally, having longer passing periods would benefit our health. I have something called patellofemoral pain, so when I walk fast in the halls my knees start to hurt really bad. Also, when you’re rushing to get to your next class you can slam the locker door in a hurry and hurt someone. We never have enough time to go to the bathroom which can lead to health problems in the future. With the four minute passing period we don’t have time to socialize with friends which is important for your mental health. When you’re rushing down the hall you could fall and trip, hurting yourself or someone in the process. These are some of the reasons having a longer passing period would benefit our health.
The founders of the American public school system had a dream that all of America’s youth would have the opportunity to attend school in the best way possible for the times. The educational leaders of today must take up the same mission of providing the best school system imaginable for our modern era. Yearlong education is the solution to many problems that plague teachers, students, and school budgets.
Year round school or the modified school year is a rearrangement of the traditional school year to provide the students with continuous learning throughout the school year. Students receive the same amount of instructional time as a traditional school. In year round schools, the instructional time is balanced without of school time more evenly. (Winter, 2005) The National Association for Year Round Schooling defines it as “a schedule which contains no break lasting longer than eight weeks-schools are able to keep their students in constant learning mode, and are able to use the intersessions between periods of schooling to address the problems of students who are falling behind.” (St. Gerard, 2007, pg. 57) There are three common tracks of year round schooling. They are the single track, multitrack, and extended year. The single track is scheduled throughput the year into intersessions which allow time for enrichment or red-mediation. The multitrack is used to help schools reduce overcrowding. The school divides the teachers and students into groups of an equal size. Each group has its own schedule. One group is on intercession while the other is in school. The extended year increases the amount of time spent in schools from 180 days to as many as 240 days a year. (McGlynn, 2002)
Changing the high school program back to five years will help students with their grades and course selection. This extra year for secondary education provides them with extended time to focus on the courses heir high schools provide them with and courses they have taken. Students who may not have performed to the best of their abilities In a course the previous year/semester will have the opportunity to retake a class get additional assistance from teachers to improve their mark averages. For instance, a student who has completed their Calculus and Vect...
In addition to that, when the passing period time is set to 10 minutes, students will have a more likely chance to get to class on time. For example, some students have their classes at the front of the school for first period, and then have to go to the back of the school for second period and don’t have enough time and get a tardy for being late . And to defend this, longer passing periods would help ...
American author A.W. Tozer once wrote “When you kill time, remember that it has no resurrection.” (Tozer.) While Tozer was almost certainly referring to daily life, this principle can also be applied to the horrific amount of time wasted in schools today. In such a competitive global environment, American schools cannot afford to throw away precious instruction time. However, overcoming obstacles such as frequently unqualified substitute teachers, aggressive amounts of “busy work,” and understaffed schools lead to a substantial deficit in classroom instruction.
Caralee Adams, reported to Scholastic.com, “About 11 percent of states and 57 percent of districts require elementary schools to provide students with regularly scheduled recess, a study by the Centers for Disease Controls, in 2006.” As far back as 1884, W.T. Harris, addressed students being overweight, could be reduced with physical needs, be saved by recess. On the other hand, those who do not think recess is beneficial, argue that recess is a waste of time in the school day. Recess should be allowed in all schools because physical health and concentration benefits to kids.
During cognitive development it is important that teachers allow time for students to have breaks in between classroom tasks such as recess and other extracurricular activities. Learning large amounts of material is easier for children to understand when it is taken in as chunks. Assign children with short tasks and switch from demanding activities to less demanding activities (Biehler & Snowman, 2000).
Over the years we have gained aspect to all the new technologies and advancements that have improved the educational system. Each innovation has helped in some way or another to develop better academic programs in schools around the United States. Recently, a proposal has been made to change the traditional school year of nine-months to a year-round program that has sparked controversy all over. Despite controversy though, there are still many strong supporters of the idea. According to the National Association for Year-Round Education (NAYRE), “the pervasive and unique impact of extended-year schooling on children's cognitive development suggested that it may be a key reform in improving the American education system” (Frazier-Gustafson, 2003). The purpose of this research paper is to investigate how technology-rich year-round schooling can promote academic success for students.
It is argued that there are 4 elements critical to the effectiveness of the instructional process: 1. the learner, 2. the teacher, 3. the home, and 4. the academic programs and the physical facilities at the school. These are interdependent and interactive and must function in unison for effective teaching to take place. The teacher's primary responsibility is to help the learner grow intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially. Therefore, teachers should be competent, dedicated, and committed to the profession of teaching and to the service of the students. Teachers should have adequate academic and professional preparation and the requisite traits of character. Teachers should be respected, appreciated, and sumptuously remunerated to enable them to devote themselves with total concentration to the task of teaching. A home where education is valued contributes in immeasurable ways to the quality of learning of the child. Finally, the school should have innovative, creative, differentiated, and challenging academic programs."</cite> For example, if the schools physical facilities aren't in a good, safe condition, the learner will have a hard time learning because his mind will be on his own personal safety and well being. A lot of the inner city schools in the United States are older than the teachers that teach in them. Some schools are so overc...
Schooling with younger ages grades K-8 are the foundation to a child’s learning stepping stone. MRI testing indicates that the brain grows in intervals. Adolescent’s brains right before puberty experience a growth spurt that mainly occurs in the frontal lobe, which is the area for planning, impulse control, and reasoning. This means the brain at the adolescent stage is at the begging of the growing stage and also has a lot of maturing to undergo. Children in grades K-8 should always be challenged in school. Reading, writing, and speech are always the main stepping stones for children. All of the information a child will learn is repetitive because it can always be built upon and more added to it. As a graduating senior I feel that this information and security is vital to a child. This will help a student become more engaged and confident in their answers. More time in younger school ages should be spent on teaching and other attributes instead of free time or other non-helpful things
Education plays a large part in the socialization of children into society. Most American children spend the required 180 days each year in school from the first grade through high school. Most of a child's day through these years is devoted to activities involving school such as attending classes, doing homework, and participating in extracurricular activities. The school format is designed to teach children to be productive members of society.