Benedict Anderson: The Definition Of Nation-Building

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Before laying out the complete definition of nation-building, it is better to define the literal meaning of each word that the term nation building comprises. Nation is basically understood as a group of people who have shared feeling that they belong to a special group that have different identity over another group. In its simplest form, we can understand the definition of nation through Benedict Anderson’s famous term “imagined community”. Anderson explained that the reason why it is imagined is because the person that claim to be a part of a nation may not know the other members of the community, never met or even made communication, but in their minds, lives the image of the community (Anderson 1983, 49). Therefore, a nation building can …show more content…

The management of the state which gain legitimacy from the people and the maintenance of order can also be done under non democratic government. To assume that a successful nation-building is when democratic government is established is too western-centric and is not relatable to various non-western world where patriarchal culture and kingdom system with its centralized and hierarchic government is still prevalent case. The same idea is mentioned by Mark T. Berger in his work The Battle for Asia: from decolonization to globalization who argued that order and stability is more important than democracy (Berger 2004, 92) . Second thing which need to be addressed is that one need to distinct the idea of nation-building and state-building. State-building is the effort of building a functioning state, but nation –building is an effort to support the building of functioning state. When nation-building succeed, it is easier for the project of state-building to run because people are already in the same idea and already in the same loyalty to a nation with relatively same vision rather than when people are in their own informal groups or ethnic attachment with various vision and …show more content…

Malaysia and Indonesia have the same problem of ethnic division. Major ethnics that heavily divided in Malaysia are Malay (bumiputera), Chinese, and Indian. While major ethnic in Indonesia that heavily divided are Chinese, Javanese, and in minor case, Papua. Foreign occupation and attachment are also prevalent in both countries particularly during colonial era where Indonesia was colonialized by Netherland and Japan and received great influence from United States of America (US) and USSR during Cold War. While Malaysia occupied by British colonial during colonial period, it also receives great influence from United States during Cold War era. The deep division among ethnic in Indonesia during Suharto era can be linked to the Cold War context of that era. After the 30th September tragedy, Indonesian society at that time were in trauma to communist idea due to Indonesia Communist Party (PKI) was suspected to be the one behind G30S. Soeharto who later become president employ a strategy of anti-communism. Indonesia then supported by US who oppose communism, US gave abundant aids and loans to Indonesia. Chinese-descendants who were seen as having close relation with communist regime of People’s Republic of China was forced to ‘Indonesianize’ their name and forced to have one nationality. Their religion,

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