Bench Press Essay

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Spot reduction is too good to be true, and if you think that solely doing bench presses is going to make you lose weight and build muscle, you're in for an unpleasant surprise. Bench presses can strengthen your chest muscles underneath the fat, but won't reduce the fat. You're better of taking on a full-body weight-loss routine that includes a healthy diet, cardio and strength training. With consistency, you can have that often desired masculine physique. (See References 1, p. 8) About the Bench Press According to research by the American Council on Exercise, the barbell bench press is the most effective exercise your can do for your chest. (See References 2) It targets the pectoralis major, the largest muscle in your chest. During this exercise you lie on a bench with a barbell in your hands above your chest. You then press-up and lower the bar to engage your chest. Although bench presses alone won't burn enough calories to make you lose weight, as part of a full-body strength training routine, they can help stimulate muscle tissue, which makes you burn calories more efficiently....

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