Belief And Perseverance In Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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With four wild zoo animals, a teenage boy, and a lifeboat drifting on the Pacific Ocean, what could possibly go wrong? Yann Martel’s fictitious book, “Life of Pi,” tells the story of a boy named Pi escaping a sinking cargo ship by climbing into a lifeboat. Unfortunately, Pi was not the only passenger aboard. For the several months he has to learn how to live among animals and survive while floating aimlessly across the ocean. Pi’s struggles throughout the book highlight the importance of belief and perseverance. The main character in this book is Piscine Singh, otherwise known as Pi. An important trait Pi has is that he never gives up. Aside from that, he never believes that they will die and he never gives up. Even though he is stranded in the middle of the ocean he does not accept his almost certain death. Part of the reason Pi acts this way is because of his strong connection with religion. He studied Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam all at the same time because he did not believe there should just be one religion, and instead just wanted to learn to love God. Since he had such a strong connection with faith he was able to calm himself and focus on survival. Another character is Richard Parker, the tiger. Richard Parker was tossed overboard by the waves and into the ocean …show more content…

Even though Pi was floating through the ocean without knowledge of when he would find land or if he would survive, he never gave up. This shows that if Pi never gave up even in the most dire of situations and circumstances, no one should ever give up. Whether it’s giving up in school or sports, there is no reason I should not try my best or ever give up. It actually is very inspiring and makes me realize that it is important to persevere and fight through all tribulations life presents because it is possible to make it through. Overall, after reading about Pi’s struggles and his own perseverance I want to apply that strength to my own

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