Bilingual education, is important with how it benefits childrens minds, lives and thought process’. The sources cover a wide variety of knowledge surrounding all the perspectives of what can become of a bilingual child. The minimal downsides and the hidden benefits that aren’t completely thought of throughout the extreme struggle of not only learning the language, but living life through that language. The sources facts, opinions and statements, and the prosperity of being bilingual are all crucial to connecting the benefits as one. Throughout time there has been undeniable clues and hints leaning towards introverted children, and it's been seen for the most part as a social issue that needs to be “solved”. Being an introvert in the 21st century …show more content…
In reality, does it make you smarter? It's important to attempt to comprehend the deepest of voids where light hasn’t yet been discovered in bilingualism is the ultimate goal. When people think of an apple, they think of the word apple, and foremost they see a red apple in their conscience. The benefit of being bilingual is you hear the world apple, think of the word in that language, then proceed to process a red apple in your mind. It gives children more ways to think and ultimately helps with excelling with creative benefits, self confidence, and leadership roles. If it were to be implemented more regularly it's believed that children wouldn't struggle so much with social anxiety and other minimal disorders that children or grown adults struggle with. Growing up and learning a different language and learning through that different language for the most part is not seen as something to aid with self confidence issues or negative overwhelming of the mind, it's seen as a portal to connect with people of different cultures around the world. Except when people take the time to sit down and try to analyze all the factors that contribute to not only learning the language but being successful within the language it's shined upon that learning in more than one way will advance a being by an extraordinary amount. Being bilingual will not ultimately solve any issues a human has with struggling …show more content…
Bilingualism increases possibilities of more interaction between between people whose native homes are across the world.“"My husband's family couldn't believe he spoke French as if he were living in France," Raphael's mother, Raquel Jegouzo, said. At home, Raquel speaks to Raphael in English and French. His father, Erwan Jegouzo, a native French speaker, speaks to Raphael exclusively in French.” (CNN Wire 4). They are surprised by how well the boy speaks French to the point where they can’t tell that he isn’t native.The earlier they learn the language the better they will be off. The amazing thing about them not being able to believe that he isn't native is the fact that that boy has a new found confidence in a completely different language. He can speak to people that live across the world and it's an amazing gift that is without a doubt overlooked by everyone who hasn't taken advantage of that opportunity. "The earlier the better. Studies have shown that children exposed to more than one language have greater tissue density in the areas of the brain related to language, memory and attention. The effect is particularly strong when the additional language is introduced before age 5." (CNN Wire 12). The more a child is exposed to it as a youngling, the better chances they have of retaining the information, and excelling onwards with that information. However there are downsides to being bilingual. “...the most common
This essay will demonstrate the research that is implemented on children with bilingual ability; discussing three main issues in bilingualism which is: the maintaining children’s first language, social and cognitive benefits, also why bilingualism should be in cooperated into school programming/curriculum.
Bilingual education offers a completely different world for students of different ethnic background and thus creates a comfort zone limiting the risk-taking factor necessary for the maturation of a child to an adult. Rodriguez argues supporters of bilingualism fail to realize "while one suffers a diminished sense of private individuality by becoming assimilated into public society, such assimilation makes possible the achievement of public individuality" (Rodriguez 26). He explains that the imperative "radical self-reformation" required by education is lost by offering bilingual education and such a program suggests a place where the need for a sense of public identity disappears. A bilingual program gives a student the opportunity to be separated from real life and institutes a life that leaves out an essential understanding of the world. Bilingual students do not know the complexities of their world, including emotion, ethics, and logic, because the bilingual program secludes the eager minds to a much simpler, more naïve idea of how the society works, leaving out the confidence of belonging in public. This situation not only limits the education experience for non-English speaking students, but also hinders the further education of English speaking students by erecting a communicat...
I feel that although it was a difficult move, I am happy that my parents decided to move me to a Bilingual Program. Now, I could ask my teachers questions in Spanish about the words or things I didn’t understand. This helped me get more knowledge in English and to have a better vocabulary. I am proud to be bilingual for many reasons. However, in this paper, I will only explain three of the reasons.
The technique relies on a holistic approach that adopts instructions that allow students to actively participate in the learning process. This is easier for children that feel that the society appreciates their diversity through bilingualism and biliteracy. The society and parents need to encourage children to take up bilingual classes because they offer a lot of benefit to the society through favoring critical thinking, rationality, and sensitivity to other cultures, empathy, and detached or balanced awareness. However, Sonia Nieto mirrors a society that is made to fake being American and become ashamed of their family. It helps appreciate that it is not by choice that anyone speaks any other language as the first language and that the society and community influence the language of choice. Therefore, bilingualism cannot be detached from any community that freely promotes and accommodate the language spoken by the other community. Children and community members learn each other’s language without disregarding each other favoring effective learning that influences bilingualism and biliteracy in the long
From my experience, bilingual education was a disadvantage during my childhood. At the age of twelve, I was introduced into a bilingual classroom for the first time. The crowded classroom was a combination of seventh and eighth grade Spanish-speaking students, who ranged from the ages of twelve to fifteen. The idea of bilingual education was to help students who weren’t fluent in the English language. The main focus of bilingual education was to teach English and, at the same time, teach a very basic knowledge of the core curriculum subjects: Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. Unfortunately, bilingual education had academic, psychological, and social disadvantages for me.
The objective of this review is to present valuable information about the foundations of bilingual education, the bilingual educational programs, and the advantages and disadvantages of bilingual education.
Jeffery Kluger, in the article “Understanding How the Brains Speaks Two Languages,” gives details on how amazing the brain functions with language. He states the mind polyglot is a very precise thing and that scientists are now beginning to look deeply at how acquiring a second language increases learning, behavior and the actual construction of the brain itself (2/4). He states, “Humans are crude linguists from the moment of birth, and perhaps even in the womb” (1). He goes further into depth, how fear takeover the brain. For example, doubling up on a second language does take extra work, but it is work most children do not even realize what they are doing. Bilingual individuals, of all ages, keeps talking about dog-chien dilemma, coming
Being bilingual always made my life differ as if I lived two lives, speaking Spanish at home and English everywhere outside of home. On the daily basis at my house, my family speaks Spanish. When we communicate we speak very fast, at times we can not even understand one another. After this occurs we all burst out in laughter super loud, no boundaries are enforced in our lexicon. The enforcement changes when entering a different discourse community.
There have been many claims, but it seems that there are six principal areas where the bilingual brain benefits. Those are learning in general, complex thinking, creativity, mental flexibility, and interpersonal communication skills. And lets not forget the effect of delaying dementia and keeping the brain functioning effectively longer. The authors note that “although it is difficult to prove the existence of a direct causal link, it is likely that multilingualism produces a special advantage in utilizing a person 's brain capacity as creatively as possible” (Academy of Finland, p.1). Thus, it might require further and more careful study to be able to directly prove or disprove the real effects on
Pam Bremer, director of Obersee Bilingual School, states that “bilingualism gives children social, linguistic and cognitive advantages.” Learning a second language assists in advancing the students’ comprehension of “the complexities of languages” and the students think more creatively (Bremer). Moreover, while students in bilingual education programs are gaining several advantages, students in regular public schools are not gaining the same advantages, if any at all. Teaching students and providing them with a better understanding in several different topics is what schools strive to accomplish and bilingual education programs meet these goals. Furthermore, Jeff Bale, a teacher of language and language education at Michigan State University, claims that students in bilingual education programs have the ability to learn other languages at a faster rate than monolingual students once they have gained fluency in both their native language and English. With the benefits of gaining several advantages and being able to learn other languages faster than students in regular schools, the students’ performance on standardized tests in bilingual education programs surpass the results of students in regular school classrooms, but only after the students in the programs have attained the needed language skills. Not to mention, studies have proven that bilingual students adapt to change easier, are more open-minded, and feel more comfortable in environments with people of many cultures unlike monolingual students (Bremer). However, students in regular public school classrooms obtain some benefits from being around bilingual students
This article was about the important but only recently recognized consequences of being raised in a bilingual environment. There are some pretty obvious benefits of being bilingual, but this article discusses some that were not so easily observed: better cognitive and social skills.
... how to speak fluently in two languages is because they think it will confuse their child and mess them up with their first language, which is wrong. Children can benefit from being bilingual when it comes to schooling, because knowing more than one language can help that child figure things out easier and simpler than a monolingual would know how to do. Jobs also have a big effect on bilingual people, they can attract business, and many companies need people who are bilingual. Music is also factors because many people listen to it daily learn many things about themselves and who they are. People usually do not think music can be such an effect on people’s lives and their culture but it does and there is proof of it. Overall, teaching a child to be fluent in more than on language will have many positive effects on him/her and will benefit from them completely.
The development of the brain of a bilingual individual is better than a monolingual individual. Few years ago, researchers from the University of Washington (as cited in Klass, 2011, para 4.) found that the brains of bilingual infants (from families where two languages were spoken) are able to discriminate the different of the phonetic sound of the languages they usually heard when they grew up than monolingual infants in where their brains were adapted to only identify their mother tongue only. Dr. Patricia Kuhl, one of the members of this research team thus believe that bilingual education can shape infants’ brains and keep them ready for future challenges. Concurrently, a renowned psychologist, Dr. Ellen...
It is well to pint out how children can benefit from learning multiple languages but as time progresses within the lifespan, adults can also reap the benefits that language learning has to offer. Amazing studies have been conducted by the New York Times tell us that Alzheimer's can be delayed by five years in bilingual speakers.
However, multiple studies have shown that a bilingual child has advantages over the non-bilingual child. Studies have shown that young children who are bilingual are faster at solving problems and have fewer problems solving certain types of mental puzzles then do the children who know only one language. The knowledge of another language not only allows you to meet and talk with different people, but the evidence from many studies shows that bilinguals have improved the executive function of the brain, solving problems, and ignoring the distractions to stay focused. It also allows the person to better understand the different cultures and the way in which the people of those cultures think. Another benefit of being bilingual is getting a better job. Being bilingual is becoming a requirement for many jobs. It is becoming a requirement because of the number of people who move here and need medical care who do not speak English, but we still need to provide them with medical care. It also gives companies more customers when someone can help a person in their own language. However, the effort that the brain has to put into the management of knowledge of multiple languages leads to the cognitive advantages observed for bilinguals over monolinguals. Bilinguals have, on average, greater executive control, which means