Being A Teen Mom

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Babies have babies… Teenage pregnancy is talked about every day seeing how the rate of being a teen mom is always changing. Giving birth is a blissful moment in mother’s life but with teens becoming pregnant at young ages it’s hard for many to see it as a blessing. Becoming a teen mother is beyond a stressful time in the teen’s life, but even after these hard times in the end it’s worth the struggle. Being a teen mom can have an affect you and your child’s health, such as the babies are more at risk of being born premature, blind, mentally retarded, or with mental illnesses as to the children born to a woman 20 years or older. As for some teen moms, they don’t gain the amount of weight needed for a healthy pregnancy. Some teens …show more content…

Teens that get pregnant are usually nervous about telling their parents that they are pregnant. Not having a strong support system at home is one of the many reasons teens are getting pregnant at a young age. During teen years you need the comfort and support of their families, if the teens do not feel as if they have this at home they will go seek this comfort and support elsewhere. Some parents may not be happy that their teen is pregnant and will not want to help their child and make things more difficult therefore; the teen will have no choice but to drop out of school. Another solution is that the teen will want to either get an abortion or give the child up for adoption which can affect them emotionally. Yet if parents are supportive, it may lead to it being more than …show more content…

Some teens that do graduate from high school and get a diploma may put their dreams of going to college on hold. Becoming a teen parent not only affects the teen’s education but also their child’s education. Most children of teen mothers do not succeed in school. Also, some children of teen parents become teen parent’s themselves. The teen’s grades may drop severely because of the morning sickness and having doctor’s appointments. Some teen parents will have no choice but to drop out and get a job to help pay for the doctor appointments and be able to take care of their child when they are brought into this

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