Becoming A Paleontologist Essay

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Imagine a warm summer day in backcountry Montana, and the thrill of finding a new species of dinosaur and being able to create a new and awesome name for it. A paleontologist gets to experience this almost every day. If there not in the field they will be working in a lab learning about their findings. Becoming a paleontologist is very important because they discovered stuff about the past that will shape the way humans learn about the past.
Paleontologists might not have a lot for free time depending on their job and schedule. According to “ A paleontologists job everyday is finding and digging up fossils, and sharing results.” The work will probably be outside at fossil dig sites and in labs, work will probably not be at …show more content…

According to environmental “ A PH.D. is usually necessary for paleontology careers, particularly in academia.” Most paleontologist jobs will requires a PH.D. which means many years of education to graduate. Environmental has an interesting viewpoint on classes to focus on: “... the best education option. Chemistry, physics, statistics, and computer sciences.” To become a paleontologist some computer and and other science courses that don't necessarily teach paleontology will be needed to help perform better. Environmental claims that “ skills need to become a paleontologist are hands on, learning the step by step processes, and working with computer.” Based on this computer skill like typing will be need to help perform better in the workplace but hands on skills like brushing off fossils will be needed as well. On the website environmental, they state that “ paleontologists must work with groups or as an individual and usually there will be superior who runs and mentors younger paleontologists.” A paleontologist will have to be able to work with others and will have to deal with a boss or high ranking officials monitoring their progress. A paleontologist will have to spend many years in college, have computer and hands on skills, and must be able to work in a group or as

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