Beauty and the Bloke by Cosmo Landesman and Breaking Free of Oldfashioned Stereotypes

645 Words2 Pages

Beauty and the Bloke by Cosmo Landesman and Breaking Free of Oldfashioned Stereotypes

"Beauty and the bloke" by Cosmo Landesman is an argumentative article

trying to put across the message that men and women are breaking free

of old fashioned stereotypes, he is trying to convey the message that

it's the nineties, men no longer have to be macho and hairy! They are

no longer afraid or ashamed to care for their appearances, even if it

means cosmetic surgery! Women to are also making a stand, no longer

will they stand silent being made to look good by men, women are now

"prepared to give the men they love a shove in the direction of the

cosmetic surgeon" Landesman throughout the article, puts across the

message that women are to blame for men's insecurities in their

appearances. They are also to blame for the rise in men undergoing

cosmetic surgery, for starting the male trend of waxing and wearing

perfume. It is quite a controversial article and at first it gives us

the impression that Landesman feels negatively towards the "£240

million beauty industry for men" saying "is nothing sacred any more"

but throughout the article Landesman warms up to the idea of "the

nineties man and beauty". Towards the end of the article Landesman

even gets quite personal, and to the surprise of the reader states

"for the love of my wife I'd even get my legs waxed!"

The writer uses surprise endings to keep the writer interested e.g.,

"perfume, waxing, cosmetic surgery….nineties man…his body image" when

perfume and waxing are mentioned the reader automatically thinks of

women, but gets quite a shock to discover that the writer is talking

about men!

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cosmetic surgery.

Irony is use din this piece, creating humour and slight sarcasm e.g.

"took it like a man…snivelling…etc". "Speaking personally I don't feel

that I've suddenly became neurotic about my looks…I've been that way

since I was a teenager…"

Humorous exaggeration is also used by Landesman to create humour in

the article e.g. "just look inside any men's magazine and you'll see

how to achieve the ultimate shave". "Cosmetic surgery at work to wreck

men's self esteem…"

This piece of writing although full of humour also holds some very

interesting facts and shows that times are changing, today it's

acceptable for men to wear perfume and have face-lifts. So in

conclusion I think Landesman has made one small step for journalism

but one giant leap for all those beauty conscious men out there!

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