Beauty And Cultural Importance In Yellow Women By Silko

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In the story of “Yellow Women” the writer develops the central ideas of beauty and cultural inheritance by using a first person point of view, reflection over herself, and flashbacks to tell a prior story. In the story Silko realizes that she is different from the people she lives around. She learns to understand and accept her differences because of her white skin color compared to the other Laguna Pueblo people. Silko shows how important her memories are and how she needs them. The effectiveness of the story that Silko shows in her flashbacks and memories give this story beauty and imagery. Silko doesn’t learn that she is different until a tourist does not allow her in a picture of all her classmates because the tourist saw Silko as “different”. This never occurred to Silko until that day. She used reflection in this part of the text to talk about that important time in her life when she realized that she did not look the same as her fellow classmates. She uses this in the text as a way to talk almost face-to-face with the reader. Speaking in the first person gives the reader a feeling of direct speech from the writer. …show more content…

She taught Silko about inner beauty and how her culture looked at beauty differently from the way the whites did. Beauty was found inside a person, not by their appearance. The older people of Laguna Pueblo always valued the uniqueness in people and they would always strive to teach their children and tell them stories. The culture was very accepting and kind; beauty is seen to come from the soul of someone, not the structure of their face or body. The writer really engages the reader this way by talking about the family and sharing as if the reader is part of the

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