Be Your Customer Journey Map Essay

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Want more conversions?

Increase the quality of your consumer interactions.

Salesforce reports that “86% of senior-level marketers say that it’s absolutely critical or very important to create a cohesive customer journey.”

To understand how your team interacts with every customer, it’s vital that you create a customer journey map that highlights every part of the purchasing experience.

“Journey mapping is a holistic approach to understanding the flow of experiences a customer has with an organization; it uses pictures to represent a process that cannot be adequately captured with words,” writes Adam Toporek, author of Be Your Customer 's Hero.

Let’s explore how to earn more sales. It starts with journey maps.

What’s the Purpose?
eCommerce …show more content…

It involves more than just exchanging money for a product.

It’s called the customer’s journey for a reason. The cycle encompasses all the interactions and decisions leading up to the purchase and after the sale.

“Customer journey maps allow you to walk in your customers’ shoes by traveling with them as they interact with your company. When based on sound research, they provide an accurate outside-in view, focusing on desired outcomes from the customer’s perspective,” states Michael Hinshaw, CEO of McorpCX.

Decades ago, companies worried about gaining a new customer. But today’s climate requires businesses to retain consumers. Therefore, nurturing the customer through the cycle holds greater purpose.

Identify the touch points where customers interact with your brand. Understand how each interaction affects one another. Develop a buyer journey map using the five W 's: Who, Why, When, What, and …show more content…

It’s an opportunity for your SaaS to take advantage of the benefits.

The value of mapping includes recognizing functional silos, identifying growth factors, and establishing development priorities. If you don’t know how your customers flow through the sales cycle, it’s harder to serve their needs.

The customer journey map doesn’t have to be elaborate. Initially, forgoing specific data may be an option for your company. Here’s a recommendation from Forbes contributor Micah Solomon:

“Your customer journey map needs to be, or at least needs to start out its life being, independent from all considerations of internal processes and departments, because your customer will never have precisely the same viewpoint as the viewpoint you have internally, nor fully match up to the inevitably awkward divisions of task in your organization.”

Now, every journey map isn’t the same. Maps can vary based on the industry, customer base, or management style. Several forms exists, including business to business and tactical.


But all journey maps should serve the same purpose: Illustrate how the customer engages with you

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