Be A Rebel David Gilbert Analysis

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Be a rebel. Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, claims that “The belief-transmission game explains why we believe some things about happiness that simply aren’t true” (Gilbert 216). What Gilbert means by this statement is that our whole lives, we accept facts about the beliefs of others who pass them down to us and make them appear true and positive. They want others to think like them and view the world like them because they simply believe their beliefs and views are accurate. Are they really accurate? Probably not, due to the large amount of varying views and beliefs in our world based on religion, family, and values. Therefore individuals seeking happiness and true fulfilment of their expectations need to make their own decisions based on their desires in order to be truly satisfied with their lives. Others argue that you should check-in with others and try to see which experiences have made them content. People may say that you are happier when you choose to follow the footsteps of others because they have already experienced different situations in life. Nothing can go wrong if you replicate someone else’s journey right? You cannot expect your life to turn out like someone else’s because you simply aren’t that person. Don’t satisfy others, satisfy yourself and when you fail you …show more content…

Maybe we change our address because we have the opportunity to obtain a better living. We may change our job because we find one that is better paying or is a job that will make us want to wake up every morning and look forward to a day at work. People also change and this could be a reason why some of us decide to end a marriage and start another one. Going on into the big world as young adults, our first location, job, or marriage may have been based on what we saw or heard from others such as our role models, gurus, or even relatives which didn’t end up bringing us

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