Baz Luhrman Attracting a Teenage Audience Right From the Start of Romeo and Juliet

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Baz Luhrman Attracting a Teenage Audience Right From the Start of Romeo and Juliet Teenagers can relate to the issues of Romeo and Juliet but the way it is performed does not appeal to the younger audience. This is because of the Elizabethan language which is hard to understand, the dress which teenagers are not familiar with and the religious element which is not a large part of society any more. To attract a teenage audience Baz Luhrman changes some of these features; he uses modern dress instead of the typical Elizabethan style, a modern soundtrack and attractive and well known actors/actresses. This makes the production more familiar to teenagers because it uses some elements from their everyday life. The opening is a long shot of a television with a black background it is medium teenagers can relate to thus making it even more familiar. The credits are white on a black background and uses the genre of the news. The news uses certain codes and conventions such as the layout of the screen, the icon in the corner and the typical "BBC" language so we recognise it immediately. This news is an everyday occurrence so teenagers would find it very familiar. The news shot zooms in which draws the attention of the audience and a black, female news reader reading the prologue shows it is a product of a multi-cultural society. "Star cross'd lovers" was written as a caption which makes it more acceptable below the icon of a broken ring to symbolise their fate The camera zooms into the scene and becomes and tracking, establishing shot of Fair Veronait is very dramatic and grabs your attention. It keeps on flashing from the picture to the writing. Operatic music plays when the camera zooms into Jesus' face. The police car on Verona's beach is fictional which Baz Luhrman created for a more modern scene. A montage of different shots around the city added a dramatic and eye catching scene the images were mostly to do with Jesus and religion but then there is a modern element with helicopters, cars, ambulances

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