Bayo El Mismo Cielo Research Paper

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There are many shows, movies and different types of music we like to watch and listen to for entertainment. Sometimes we like to spend time doing things we enjoy just to get a rest from our normal routines. For example, I personally love to watch TV shows and movies with my family and I also enjoy listening to music in every car ride. While we get entertained by the plot of the story sometimes we also notice how almost everything we watch or hear either reflects or influences our life. Everything we watch on TV even cartoons portray race, gender, and stereotypes. Music is the same way depending on the genre, for example Rap music; Rap music has always been known to talk a lot about all of those topics which many relate or are influenced by. Real life TV shows are also a great example of how they might influence and impact our life in some way. “Bajo el mismo cielo” is a show that comes …show more content…

The plot of the story is a hardworking father that comes to this country with his sons and he wants to work hard and make something of himself in order to give his sons a better life but throughout the whole story he comes across many problems such as discrimination, abuse, money, gangs, stereotypes and many other problems. Bajo el mismo cielo shows us that even though we are in the same place or under the same sky things are different for immigrants. The struggle immigrants go through in the show is the pure truth of what we see in our country. Race is a major factor in the show and we see how the Hispanic race is perceived by different people. Even though some people come to this country Bajo el mismo cielo shows us how the Hispanic roots and customs stay with the people even when they live somewhere else and even though they are in a different place now, they will never forget where they came from and why they

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