Easy to conceal, maneuver, and requiring little skill to use. If you are seeking a non-lethal self-defense weapon, there are few better options than the expandable baton. It offers several advantages. Take, for instance, the control of distance. The baton is like an extended arm, which allows one to strike the assailant while being out of their range. You can target the hands, arms, or even the weapon. Another aspect to consider is the areas to target with the baton. If the attacker is armed, go for the hand holding the weapon. If not, there is a wealth of other choices. An impact weapon is most effective when striking bony areas, such as the knee, elbow, collarbone, and wrist. Stay away from attacking the head, neck, and spine; such blows
The Use of the TASER in the Police Force. The use of conducted energy weapons in the police force has become increasingly popular since they were introduced only a short while ago. The TASER is claimed to be the safest and most productive type of less lethal force in use today, with a very quick recovery rate and no long term side effects. The TASER has quickly taken over the harsh use of pepper spray, the brutal force of the baton and in some cases the firearm.
Before more Tasers are given to officers, there needs to be more research done outlining the possible risks that CEWs pose to the human body, and any short or long term effects that may arise due to the use of CEWs on individuals. Secondly, the issuing of Tasers to more officers is not a good idea because just like anything else, Tasers can lead to an overreliance on the part of police officers to resort to the use of Tasers on individuals who do not comply with them. This, along with the absence of clear and strict guidelines that stipulate when officers are to use their Tasers on non-compliant individuals, will lead to abuse. Many police officers may decide to bypass the use of verbal commands, empty-handed strikes, and other tools at their disposal such as the ASP baton, when dealing with a violent individual, or someone who is simply not complying with their instruction.... ... middle of paper ... ...(2013, August 29).
With the articles and past research that I have collected, studies tell us that less than 3 percent of police-citizen contacts involve the threat of physical force by the police. The percentages are higher when the level of force is below lethal force, for instance 20 percent of arrests may involve some type of special or needed force to obtain and control the suspect in able to put him in custody. In the academy, police officers are taught to use equal or greater force to subdue the suspect and do what is necessary to protect the public and also look out for officer safety. Most incidents of force are low level applications such as using the arms, hands, legs, or their bodies to gain control of the suspect. Every police officer is supposed to be trained to a certain standard, and should be able to use the correct amount of force for the situation at hand. Police officers have situational training in the academy on what level of force to use if necessary. All police officers are equipped to handle most if not all situations or levels of force that is need to
...using chemical sprays or projectiles implanted with chemicals, such as pepper spray. Officers may also use “Conducted Energy Devices, CEDS” to control an individual, these weapons are usually known as Tasers. Tasers release a high-voltage jolt of electricity from a distance. A good situation in which law enforcement officers use this guideline is when they are trying to control riots. Using less-lethal technologies officers may be able to control a large group, if they are not able to restrain them then officers will be left to use blunt impact, chemicals such as tear gas or pepper spray, or even conducted energy devices until they are able to get ahold of the situation
Non-lethal weapons are popular among law-enforcement for the reasons of being able to provide a police officer detain larger and more hostile subjects without a large risk of injury to his/her self or the subject. Most common uses of non-lethal force is the application of tear gas or pepper spray. Both have extremely large incapacitating effects designed to bring down individuals and give the police officer the upper hand. Pepper spray is common in the law enforcement world, but has skyrocketed in public providing protection for individuals to carry a small can to provide protection when stuck in a scary situation. Tear gas and pepper spray as the intentions to subdue someone but there is always a time where the expectations are not met and
... Batons also tear skin, break bones and require officers to get up close to subjects to apprehend them. The Taser has a more effective rate than other less lethal options with less chance of injury to all involved.
It is safe to say that tasers are not as lethal as guns, but they can still cause serious damage to individuals. This is because not everyone has the same body and not everyone will have the same reaction to 50,000 volts of electricity. In the text, “Taser Controversy Refuses to Die” by author Matthew Davis, “the ‘less - than - lethal’ weapons have been involved one 74 deaths in the United States and Canada” (5,1). Tasers are known as weapons that are
Once the situation is resolved, police officers should make sure the injured receive medical treatment and notify family of any injured individuals (p.1). Levels of force that officers use depend upon the unique situation. Guidelines for use of force can be based on factors, including: federal and state regulations, police department’s experience, law enforcement technology availability, and police and citizen relationship that may exist in a particular jurisdiction (p.1)
Mesloh, C., Henych, M., & Wolf, R. (2008, September). Less lethal weapon effectiveness, use of force, and suspect & officer injuries: A five-year analysis. Retrieved Nov. 22, 2014, from National Criminal Justice Reference Service: http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/224081.pdf
Blunt force trauma is defined as a traumatic event caused by the introduction of any blunt instrument forcefully, causing injury to the body or head. The Severity of injury is determined by various factors. It may be due to mechanical force such as compression, traction, torsion or shear. Impact of the injury and severity depends on object and movement of victim. Injuries occurred may be internal such as lacerations of internal tissues, organs, fractures of bones or may be external such as abrasion, avulsion, contusion and laceration (Pollak & Saukko, 2009). Severity also depends on anatomical site impacted for ex: Lacerations have irregular margin, hanging causes abrasions, contusions and hyoid bone fractures, Ocular hemorrhages in case of blunt trauma to eyes or Fracture of ribs when hit on chest by a blunt object (Ressel, Hetzel, & Ricci, 2016). Severity is also determined by the duration of time and amount of force applied. Nature of trauma is of importance in forensic medicine. It helps in
Concealed pistols have always been an issue that the public wants to know more and more about. Most people who were born and raised in the outdoors agree fully on the legality of a concealed weapon, whereas people who were born in big cities where they did not hunt, shoot guns, or have a firearm in their house do not. This is a very large and argued about cultural issue. I personally am all for concealed carry of a firearm. There are many reasons for this such as personal defense, sense of safety, and the protection of others around me. There are some questions that are raised about the carrying of a concealed weapon such as “what states can I travel in with my firearm?”, “what is the process of applying for a concealed carry permit?”, and “can I enter a weapon free zone to stop a shooter?”. Concealed carry has proven able to reduce crime and lower the casualty rate of a shooter who enters a public area with the intent to kill as many people as possible. Some people argue that concealed weapons are just carried by people who are looking for trouble and that you can obtain a pistol without a background check. This will also be explored and explained thoroughly.
Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices (Pollock, 2010). More specifically, it is defined as “the capacity to identify and to document criminal and noncriminal events” (Boivin & Cordeau, 2011). Every police officer has a great deal of discretion concerning when to use their authority, power, persuasion, or force. Depending on how an officer sees their duty to society will determine an officer’s discretion. Discretion leads to selective enforcement practices and may result in discrimination against certain groups of people or select individuals (Young, 2011). Most police officer discretion is exercised in situations with individuals (Sherman, 1984).
It is also used on those who may cause deadly harm to the officer(s) or others around the scene. This is one of the methods police use to control a person who has committed a crime or violation. The use of force is usually the last resort for police officers, however not always. Some police officers will encounter a situation where their life or others is immediately in danger and the use of force will be used then. The use of force includes empty-handed control, restraining a person, and deadly force. Deadly force is when a police officer cannot control the person with just physical force, so they have to resort to using their weapons on an
Robbery and assault victims, who used a gun, were less likely to be attacked or suffer injury. Concealed handguns are an effective, non-lethal form of self defense. The majority of adults who legally carry handguns do not misuse their firearms and carrying a concealed handgun could aid in ending public shooting sprees. Criminals carry concealed weapons regardless of their legality, which means responsible citizens should be able to obtain a gun while using their firearm in the right way. Therefore, adults should have a license to carry a concealed handgun, obtain an authorization, and complete training requirements in order to be able to carry a concealed handgun.
They can also provide you with a Pink Leatherette Holster for the RUNT Stun Gun. So if you do not own one yet, now is the high time to acquire these personal safety tools. It has great features and the products would surely provide you with peace of mind knowing that they are made of top quality materials. This deluxe pink RUNT stun gun holster is a durable defense accessory because its body is made from fine leatherette.