Bathsheba's Relationship With Troy in Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd

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Bathsheba's Relationship With Troy in Thomas Hardy's Far From the Madding Crowd Tomas Hardy's novel, 'Far From The Madding Crowd', takes us back to 1840's countryside. Here we accompany Bathsheba in farming problems and her troubles with three suitors, one of which is Francis Troy. Troy is the dashing, bold and daring soldier whom she stumbles upon one dark evening. Tomas Hardy uses various methods to show us how their relationship develops and how they affect the people around them. For example, the first time that Bathsheba and Troy meet each other in the 'Fir Plantation' in chapter 24. Here Hardy uses lots of imagery to convey both Bathsheba's and Troy's feelings for each other. Such as when the spur dug in to her skirt it 'nearly threw Bathsheba off her balance' we can see this as a premonition of the future: of her troubles after marrying Troy and of her salvation from Oak. She almost collapsed but she recovered just in time. Similarly she nearly sank into a state of deep depression but recovered just in time thro...

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