Barb's Case Study

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Arriving in Portland, Maine in late August too late to pick up her car; Barb checked into the Motel 6 for the night. Barbara had chosen Maine for the next phase in her experiment because of its mainly white demographic. Thinking she would see what it was like to be the norm in the low-wage pool of applicants, maybe she would have a better grasp on the lower tiers way of life. After a speaking engagement the previous spring she noticed many advertisements for employment in the city. Barbara thought she could find a quick job, no problem. Barb did not bring much with her to Maine, jeans and tees, some khakis and long sleeved shirts, and hygiene necessities; the hiking boots and books were never touched. The first day of dwelling hunting she noticed there were not affordable apartments in Portland. She scoured the newspaper for anything, and came upon a room for rent. Calling for an appointment her roommate was described as being a character; and to just give her a chance. Arriving at the dilapidated motel and boarding house she was taken to the basement where she immediately knew this would not be her new living quarters. Several more apartments and motels are called and feeling defeated Barbara heads back to Portland. On the route back she stumbles upon the Blue Haven Motel. Rent is a little more than she would want but the amenities are Waitressing is out and so are office type jobs. She begins to apply for cleaning services, warehouse, nursing homes and general work type jobs. She finds a job fair and is introduced to her first personality assessment test. There are no right or wrong answers, we only need to see if you are a good fit for our business; is the point of this examination. Barbara sees that; as in Key West; one job will not be enough to scrounge by in Portland. Her interview with The Maids is successful. She also attains a job with Woodcrest Residential Facility; an assisted living home; as a dietary

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