Procyclicality in minimum regulatory capital charges for credit risk
There is a vast amount of literature available on the additional procyclicality of regulatory capital charges in Pillar 1 of Basel II. In this section, we shall briefly visit this literature and see if any conclusions can be drawn from this, before proceeding to the conclusion and mitigation of these procyclical effects. The majority of the literature, as expected, focuses primarily on the IRB approach, as this aspect of Basel II has drawn the most criticism from financial practitioners and academics alike. The greater part of this literature has found that there is an overwhelmingly substantial rise in procyclicality of minimum regulatory capital charges originating from the IRB approach. Gordy and Howells found that under the IRB approach, volatility in the capital charge, relative to the mean, is between 0.1 to 0.26 (Gordy & Howells, 2004). This follows another study by Kashyap and Stein, which shows that capital charges rose by 70-90% during the years of 1998 to 2002 dependant of the model used to calculate PD’s (Goodhart & Taylor, 2004).
The implications of these findings are as follows. The works of these academics highlight the important point that there is higher volatility of capital charges for better quality credits (Goodhart & Taylor, 2004). This is because these credits face a steeper risk curve, as the movement within the ratings scale (from one rating to another) is much greater.
Possible Solutions to mitigate procyclicality
Now that we have reviewed the literature and empirical evidence on the problem of procyclicality arising from Basel II, we shall see how these problems may be addressed. As already noted, regulatory capital requirements, thr...
... middle of paper ..., Basel: Basel Committee on Bank Supervision.
Elizalde, A., 2007. From Basel I to Basel II, Madrid: CEMFI.
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Goodhart, C. & Taylor, A., 2004. Procyclicality and volatility in the financial system: The implementation of Basel II and IAS 39, London: London School of Economics.
Gordy, M. & Howells, B., 2004. Procyclicality in Basel II : Can we treat the disease without killing the patient?, s.l.: Federal Reserve Board.
Larson, J., 2011. The Basel Capital Accords, s.l.: University of Iowa Press.
Lowe, P., 2002. Credit Risk measurement and procyclicality, Basel: Bank for International Settlements.
Moody's Analytics, 2011. An Introduction to TTC Public Firm EDF Credit Measures, s.l.: Moody's .
Repullo, R. & Suarez, J., 2007. The Procyclical Effects of Basel II, Madrid: CEMFI.
These ratios can be used to determine the most desirable company to grant a loan to between Wendy’s and Bob Evans. Wendy’s has a debt to assets ratio of 34.93% while Bob Evans is 43.68%. When it comes to debt to asset ratios, the company with the lower percentage has the lowest risk. Therefore, Wendy’s is more desirable than Bob Evans. In the area of debt to equity ratios, Wendy’s comes in at 84.31% while Bob Evans comes in at 118.71%. Like debt to assets, a low debt to equity ratio indicates less risk in a company. Again, Wendy’s is the less risky company. Finally, Wendy’s has a times interest earned ratio of 4.86 while Bob Evans owns a 3.78. Unlike the previous two ratios, times interest earned ratio is measured on a scale of 1 to 5. The closer the ratio is to 5, the less risky a company is. From the view of a banker, any ratio over 2.5 is an acceptable risk. Both companies are an acceptable risk, however, Wendy’s is once again more desirable. Based on these findings, Wendy’s is the better choice for banks to loan money to because of the lower level of
-2. The background of the financial crisis.—what kind of monetary policy the federal reserve made?
Through the use of statistics, expert testimony, appeals to emotions, and a few comparisons, Scurlock tries to convey his message, saying that because the lending industry’s main concern is maximizing profits, they have made it impossible to not have a credit card and avoid being taken advantage of. He accomplishes his goal of clearly relaying his argument to the audience with the high amount of credible support he provides.
Berk, J., & DeMarzo, P. (2011). Corporate finance: The core, second edition. (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.
MCI current capital structure is x% debt and y% equity. Their key ratios are a, b, and c. Comparing to other firms in the utilities industry they appear to be underutilizing (debt/equity). (See exhibit D). Referencing the forecast there is expected to b...
The presence of systemic risk in the current United States financial system is undeniable. Systemic risks exist when the failure of one firm may topple others and destabilize the entire financial system. The firm is then "too big to fail," or perhaps more precisely, "too interconnected to fail.” The Federal Stability Oversight Council is charged with identifying systemic risks and gaps in regulation, making recommendations to regulators to address threats to financial stability, and promoting market discipline by eliminating the expectation that the US federal government will come to the assistance of firms in financial distress. Systemic risks can come through multiple forms, including counterparty risk on other financial ...
Binhammer, H. H. & Peter S. Sephton. Money, Banking and the Financial System. Nelson, 2001.
Author Unknown (1994). The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions (5th ed.) Published by Library of Congress
Mishkin. F. C. (2009). The Financial Crisis and the Federal Reserve. NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 24, 495-508
Major banks are cutting back on some of their legally permitted operations, such as- market making, and that has led to liquidity issues in the bond markets. Proprietary trading could become unregulated if more banking activities continue moving towards the shadow banking system. This would essentially defeat one of the main purposes of Volcker Rule. [d] The third major unintended consequence has been the degree by which the Federal Reserve has become the main regulator of the finance industry. In order to discourage future bailouts similar to the ones during the financial crisis, the Dodd-Frank Act limited the Fed’s emergency powers. However the liquidity and capital standards now imposed by Fed has purportedly become one of the most important regulatory developments of the Dodd-Frank Act.
In terms of looking at how credit rating agencies affected the market as a whole, they played a role within the mortgage crisis as they gave way to a real estate credit bubble. The mortgage crisis seems to have b...
It was the conclusion of the author that financial ratios when combined with statistical analysis still remain a valuable tool. The theoretical conclusion was that ratios used within a multivariate framework take on a more influential role than when used in isolation. The discriminate model was very accurate in the initial sample of 66 firms, correctly predicting 94 percent of the original bankrupt firms. The potential suggested used of the model included: business credit evaluation, investment guidelines and internal control procedures. The MDA model also showed potential to ease some problems in the selection of securities of a portfolio but further investigation was recommended.
Howells, Peter., Bain, Keith 2000, Financial Markets and Institutions, 3rd edn, Henry King Ltd., Great Britain.
...t of deregulation and integration of national capital markets and extreme interest rate and currency volatility…” (Shapiro, 2006, p. 312)
Ferguson et al. International financial stability. Geneva: International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies, 2007. Print.