Bad Effects Of Abusive Relationships

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What comes to mind when you hear the word 'relationship'? Most would think of an emotional, loving bond between two partners. Regardless of reasoning, its clear most people have a desire to have a romantic relationship in their lives. However, with all good things, there are bad sides to them too, and you must be cautious before getting into one yourself. Not all relationships are dream-like and filled with wonderful romance people idealize. In fact, there are unhealthy forms of relationships that you should avoid at all costs.

The definition of an abusive relationship “…is a pattern of abusive and coercive behaviors used to maintain power and control over a former or current intimate partner.” [1] Abuse can happen to anyone of any …show more content…

In addition, be cautious if the partner in question has misused illegal drugs or substances, have a history of trouble with the law, or mistreat animals or children. Those are typically cues that the person can potentially be abusive.

Furthermore, if you feel the need to hide things from your partner out of fear, feel like you can’t break up with them, or cannot discuss certain things with them out of fear of anger or punishment; it could be a cue that there might be something wrong. (pictured above is a list of potential signs of abuse; img source: [6]

Abuse can come in many forms. The relationship may not have the expected physical violence involved, but may have emotional manipulation and threats. Regardless of what harm you experience, emotional or physical, the abuse is still present. Even if the harm seems less severe than other relationships you’ve seen, it doesn’t invalidate it. Tactics batterers use to manipulate their victims include various forms of manipulation and …show more content…

It is another tactic that makes it even harder for the victim to leave. Minimizing, denying, or blaming, also known as gaslighting, is when the abuser makes light of the victims abuse and doesn’t take it seriously. They would persist that none of it happened, or shift the blame of the abuse on the victim, saying that it’s their fault instead. It’s intended to confuse the victim and make them question if they’re actually being harmed.

Lastly, emotional abuse is using the victim’s feelings against them. An abuser may poke fun at a victim’s insecurities, insult them, put them down and make them feel bad about themselves, or making them feel guilty. are many forms of emotional abuse, but they all focus on bringing the victim down.

As you can see, there are many forms of emotional abuse, but they all focus on bringing the person down or making them behave a certain way. Abusers are very manipulative and cunning, and can leave their victims in less than desirable circumstances. More questions are raised from this, though, why do people continue to stay in these relationships knowing the harm that goes with it?

The reason why victims stay with their batterers is more complex than what you’d

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