Baby Bottle Syndrome Research Paper

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BABY BOTTLE SYNDROME AND EARLY BABY CARIES How do parents avoid causing baby bottle syndrome and early baby caries? Can teaching and educating parents on how to properly care for infants after feeding help prevent baby bottle syndrome and prevent early baby caries.
Baby bottle syndrome and early baby caries is a disease that’s affecting many infants and children around the world. This has become a problem dealing with low socioeconomic; poor living environment, lack of health care and lack of education. Without the proper education many parents are having profound effect on their infant’s toddler and children teeth and that should be a big concern. Childhood caries begins before the child is born if the mother don’t maintain a healthy diet during her perinatal period while …show more content…

Many mothers fail to realize that they are the first source of passing the bacteria causing tooth decay to their infant early on during pregnancy and after postnatal birth by breast feeding and sharing their feeding spoon or licking the infant’s pacifier. Baby bottle syndromes causes tooth decay that occurs rapidly in infant while naptime or bedtime after they are placed in there bed with a bottle of liquid high sugary substance that they suck or drink during bedtime at night when sleeping Then flow of the saliva glands decreases allowing the sugar to start to settle on the teeth, which cause breaking down in the dentin on the enamel causing tooth decay. .Still till this days, parents are still putting their infants to bed with a baby bottle, pacifier and juicy cup for calming, giving them fruit juice, milk formula, and others liquids that are naturally high in sugar .After a long period of time the bacteria in the mouth begins to thrives or grow from acids that comes from the sugar and attacks the teeth that lead to early baby caries. That's when the tooth decay is present it's usually affecting the front anterior teeth and also the posterior in early

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