B. F. Skinner Influence The Field Of Psychology

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B.F. Skinner is a well-known American Psychologist. He was Born on March 20th, 1904 in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania and Died on August 18th, 1990 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. B.F. Skinner is known for operant conditioning, radical behaviorism, and his books that have influenced the field of psychology. Skinner is well-educated and went to school at Harvard University and Hamilton College. At Harvard he became a professor and board member. Consequences play a role in behaviorism in normal human-beings. Keller and Skinner worked on the Skinner Box prototype and eventually envisioned a field of science that was influenced by psychology. The research Skinner worked on his known as radical behaviorism. This research aims to understand one’s environment …show more content…

Introduction A. B.F. Skinner was born March 20th, 1904 in Susquehana, Pennsylvania. He also died of leukemia during the year of 1990. B.F. Skinner was an American psychologist. He developed and was well known for developing the theory of behaviorism. C. Skinner was the Psychologist who was behind the theory of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning includes consequences, reinforcements, and punishments. Reinforcements may make it more likely that the specific behavior will occur again. D. Skinner was influenced by John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and Edward Thorndike. II. First Body Paragraph (The Theory Of Operant Conditioning) A. In this essay I will explain operant conditioning and reinforcement, punishment, shaping, and stimulus control. According to an article I read, Operant conditioning was founded by B.F. Skinner during the year of 1937. Two types of reinforcement that are most interesting include fixed and variable interval (Cerutti&Staddon, 2003). B. Consequences within positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment. C. Explaining the importance of the Skinner box in contrast to Thorndike’s puzzle box. D. Explain the three types of responses that can follow behavior Neutral operants, reinforcers, and …show more content…

Walden Two includes/describes a society were people are trained to be citizens through operant conditioning. According to an article, One of Skinner’s most fundamental contribution to applied behavior was his methodology or the basic principles of operant behavior (Altus, Morris, Smith,2005). D. Beyond Freedom and Dignity- includes Skinner’s ideas about the nature of science. IV. Third Body Paragraph (Radical Behaviorism) A. Skinner had a psychological system which is also referred to as radical behaviorism B. Skinner focused on behaviors that could be observed and measured. According to an article, Skinner mentioned that behaviors in the individual were resulted from rewards and consequences from the environment (Hinojosa&Lineros, 2012, p.3). C. He focused on behaviors that are learned, reinforcements, and the benefits of positive reinforcements. According to a article I read, B.F. Skinner conducted a series of controlled experiments on the behavior of individual laboratory rats. These experiments were later called the experimental analysis of behavior (Leighland, 2010). D. He focused on operant conditions. According an article I read, Skinner mentions that behaviorism is a philosophy of a science. Behaviorism should ultimately be about behavior (Winokur, 1971). V.

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