Avocado View Of Human Nature

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The ability to use reason make us less likely to be deceive by our emotions. Our emotions affect us from being rational. Our emotions blind us from reality and our perspective is different than those who us reason. For example, imagine a person whose has been blind since birth and due to advance technology receive the gift of sight and the person who could see reality did not see it like average people today. The person says, objects are constantly changing and the blind person believes there are always seeing illusion in everyday material (Perry page 45). Like the blind person, our reality is constructed by forms and matter according to Plato and Aristotle (Perry page 50). The only way to know what is real is to use reason and understand …show more content…

As we see in the book there are two different views, the avocado approach and the artichoke approach. The avocado approach is we humans have a fleshly outward appearance which makes us appear similar to other animals (Bramhall Febuarary 23,2018) But, we have a divine nature that makes us unique and most human are self-conscious, meaning we are unaware of who we are and afraid to standout in a crowd due to our weak and shy ego in ourselves (Brahmall, February 21,2018) . In the avocado view we have a center and the capacity for love (Bramhall, February 21, 2018). In avocado approach one must give up rights in order to have a functioning society. Avocado approach and pragmatism is not rational, but it is a view that we base our decisions on our sense and emotions. The way we decide the effects of consequences through our actions is empiricist. Empiricist is a theory that are knowledge is based on experience derived through our senses. The way we decide something is through our emotions and senses, for example, we know that fire is hot by touching the fire. Some Philosophers who believe in empiricist is John Lock, Jean Paul, and George Berkeley. John Locke believe we have blank slates when we are born, he called it tabula rasa. John Locke idea is humans have no innate idea and that our ideas come from two sources: sensation and

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